Red Planet Blues - By Robert J. Sawyer Page 0,116

me that you’re Denny’s granddaughter. I was just a pup when I first met him and Simon at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show. I was one of the first dealers to do business with them.”

“What . . . what was he like?”

“An astute businessperson. As it appears, if I may be so bold, you yourself are. Why did you kidnap the lovely lady here?”

“She double-crossed me,” Reiko replied. “She told me she was going to write a book about my grandfather. I gave her access to my grandfather’s diary. I’d hoped she’d find a clue in there that would help us locate the Alpha Deposit, but when she did—”

“She didn’t figure out where the Alpha was from the diary,” I said. “Did you, Lakshmi? You had that punk, that kid—Dirk—you had him plant a tracking chip on me. And then you followed me here.”

Lakshmi nodded. “That’s right. The diary was useless. I found the Alpha without it.” She looked at Reiko. “So why should I cut you in?”

“Because it’s mine,” Reiko said. “My grandfather found it, so it belongs to me.”

Reiko still had her hands in the air. Lakshmi still had a gun pressed into her side. Ernie still had his rifle aimed at the two women. Ennio Morricone was still playing in my head.

There was movement in the distance. It might have been a dust devil; they were common on Mars. I wasn’t sure, though, and I knew better than to give away that I’d noticed anything. I kept my eyeline toward Lakshmi. Whatever I’d seen was still far away, so I sought to stall: “All right, then; okay. We have a little misunderstanding here, that’s all. But there’s no reason we can’t all just walk away from this.”

Lakshmi shook her head, brown hair brushing first one then the other side of her fishbowl. “Reiko told me on the way here that you’ve recovered her grandfather’s body, isn’t that right?”

I nodded.

“That’s the way that had to go down,” Lakshmi continued. “Even back then, when only three people knew where the Alpha was. First Denny O’Reilly and Simon Weingarten decided to cut Willem Van Dyke out of the picture. Then Weingarten decided to get rid of O’Reilly. It’s the only way something like this can go down—with one person taking everything. That’s human nature.”

“My dear woman,” said Ernie, “there are riches enough over yonder”—I don’t think I’d ever heard anyone say “yonder” before in real life, but something about being out here, at the edge of the frontier, seemed to lend itself to using that word—“to satisfy even my appetite, and yours as well. We can all profit here. You’ll need a sales agent, after all.”

I didn’t often wish I was a transfer, but I did just then, if only for the telescopic eyes. The thing—whatever it was—was still indistinct, but I thought for sure that it was getting closer. Still, maybe it was just a dust devil or—

—or maybe it was something moving so quickly that it was kicking up a plume of dust behind it.

Ernie’s conciliatory comments had been directed toward Lakshmi—after all, she was the lady holding a gun—but it was Reiko who answered. Not many women could still look pretty while sneering, but Denny’s granddaughter pulled it off. “She double-crossed me,” Reiko said. “No way she walks out of this with anything.”

The Martian landscape was infuriatingly fractal: that crater there might be a meter across or a hundred; that rock might be man-sized or mountainous. It really was hard to gauge the size of the thing that was approaching—or how far away it still was. But it was getting nearer, I was sure of that, and it now filled enough of my vision that I could assign it a color: turquoise, a thoroughly un-Martian hue.

“Double-crosses happen all the time on Mars,” I said to Reiko. “Ernie here calls me Mr. Double-X. Shrug it off.”

“Really?” said Lakshmi. “I thought he called you that because you don’t have any balls.”

By now the turquoise object was even closer. It was still beyond my ability to resolve in detail—maybe I needed to see an optometrist, or maybe no one with biological eyes could have made it out—but it had moving parts, of that much I was certain.

I still wanted Lakshmi to go down for killing Diana, but with Huxley having presumably removed the body, I didn’t see how to make that stick, at least not yet. I’d figure a way, though, if—when—I made it back to New Klondike. And Copyright 2016 - 2024