Red After Dark (Blackwood Security #13) - Elise Noble Page 0,98

Emmy was thinking, and Alaric wasn’t sure whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. Sometimes, she’d mull over a problem and come up with a solution way out of left field. But tonight, she just smiled.

“I think maybe I’ll have that cheesecake now.”

“Two pieces? Or do you want to share?”

“Two pieces. What were you thinking about?”

“Beth.” Since they were being honest with each other.

“You like her, don’t you?”

“I do. I more than like her.”

“And have you told her?”


“Why not?”

“I’m not sure it’s a good idea. Firstly, I’m her boss, and secondly, I always promised myself I wouldn’t get involved with anyone until I found Emerald and cleared my name. That fucking painting’s cursed my life, and I’ll always be on a crusade until it’s found.”

That and he was scared. Scared of rejection. Since the night on the couch, Beth had pulled back.

“Black’s my boss,” Emmy pointed out.

“Bullshit. Nobody’s the boss of you.”

“And how bossy do you feel towards Bethany? On a scale of ‘I want her to rearrange my schedule’ to ‘she can spank me any day’?”

Alaric had to smile at that. “I’d hand her the fucking paddle.”

“Well, there you go. Just tell her. Don’t make the same mistake I did with Black.”

And the sadness was back. Further distraction was called for. Alaric waved a hand, and the waitress hurried over.

“Two slices of chocolate orange cheesecake, sweetheart. Is Milo’s still open?”

“Comin’ up. And Milo’s is always open.”

“Prince, we’re not going dancing.”

“What, you want to waste that sparkly top? Since we’re reliving our misspent youth tonight, we’re going dancing. Just try not to lose your shoes this time.”


“EMMY, YOU’RE GONNA have to help me out here.”

I tried, honestly I did, but my legs refused to cooperate. Was that me giggling? Oh, right, it was.

“No more cocktails for you. Ever.”

Alaric tipped me sideways and dragged me out of the passenger seat by my armpits. I made a half-hearted attempt to hop towards the house, but thankfully he picked me up bridal-style before I broke my ankle. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hung on. The driveway was rippling like a demented snake.

“Have I ever told you that I love you?” I slurred.

Honestly, after all the shit I’d inadvertently rained down on him, I didn’t deserve his company, but the selfish part of me accepted it anyway.

“No, actually, but it’s nice to finally hear it. Do you need to puke before I take you inside?”

I considered the question carefully. My stomach felt kind of weird, sort of churny, but—

“What the hell is going on here?”

Uh-oh. Ana looked pissed.

“I might have drunk a teenshy bit too much.”

“I’ve been trying to call you. I was worried.”

“Her purse is in the car,” Alaric said. “I haven’t heard her phone ring, but the music was deafening. If I’d known you were looking for her…”

“Where’s her other shoe?”

“No idea.”

“Please don’t maim Alaric. I forgot the cocktails and drank too much time.”

Or was it the other way around?

“You definitely did not forget the cocktails.”

Oops. Was Ana really mad? I wasn’t sure I could disarm her while I was a bit tipsy.

“I’m sorrrrrrrry. It was all my fault. And maybe the bartender’s. He told me I have nice eyes. Do I have nice eyes?”

Finally, Ana…well, she didn’t exactly smile, but she did look a little less like she wanted to murder someone.

“I guess at least you’re happier than you were earlier.”

My head lolled back, and boy, the stars looked really twinkly at whatever time of night it was. Or morning. Was it morning?

“Can you get the door?” Alaric asked.

I tried to ask what door, but the words went funny in my throat. Sort of fuzzy and sticky and too big for my mouth. Oh, look, it was all dark now.

What was wrong with my head? Was a piledriver doing a mating dance in my skull? The last time I’d felt this rough was after I got into a drinking competition with Pale and Black—who was on one of his rare cheat days—and lost. Badly.

Wait a second… Black. Pale. Those bastards.

Slowly, slowly, the events of yesterday evening came back to me, and that hurt worse than the headache. Black’s betrayal, tempered slightly by Alaric’s sweetness afterwards. I needed to apologise to Alaric, both with words for being such a mess last night and also with actions for what Black had done to him.

But first, I had to do something about this hangover. Where was my phone? I didn’t remember bringing my purse home Copyright 2016 - 2024