Recreated (Reawakened #2) - Colleen Houck Page 0,86

been arduous for her, and it is not made easier by your casting her aside. In her mind there is no man as pleasing or as perfect as you are. From the soles of your feet to the crown of your head to the depth of your soul, you are all that she desires. Be thankful that I do not influence her otherwise. Now, you promised that you would advise us. I suggest you do so and make the most of the very few moments you have to communicate.”

Suddenly I found myself back in control and Tia retreated, turning her back to me and giving us as much privacy as she could.

“Amon? I’m sorry about that,” I said.

He was quiet for a minute and then he replied, “No. Don’t be. She’s right. It still doesn’t change anything, but you’ve given up everything to save me. I can at least acknowledge that and love you enough to do what I know has to be done before I’m out of options.”

“What does that mean?” I asked nervously. “Amon?”

“She asked for my advice,” he said, “and here it is. When you meet up with the guardians, stay close to them. They’ll protect you. If somehow you do make it to the netherworld, avoid the Mires of Despair at all costs.”

“The Mires of Despair. Got it.”

“If you can get there, there’s sanctuary in the trees.”

“What are you going to do?” I asked, almost afraid of his answer.

“I’m going to use the Eye. I’ve only drawn on its power when absolutely desperate. The Devourer will be able to find me when I access it fully, but if I can use it to figure out a way to leave here, I’ll take it. Hopefully, I’ll be back in the afterlife by the time you arrive. You’ll know if I’ve been successful if I’m waiting for you on the dock. No matter what happens, Lily, know that I love you and wouldn’t trade one second of our time together for anything.”

“I love you, too. Be careful.”

“I will. I’ll try to—”

My body lurched to the side and I was jolted awake. “Try to what?” I cried. “Amon?” I called out, but he was gone. Cherty stabbed at something over the side of the ship, then jerked his arm up. In his hand he twirled his river sticks before jabbing them at something again. Glancing over his shoulder, he hollered, “Girlie! Grab my rucksack and fish out the coin. Be quick about it!”

I ran to the pile of loose rubbish he’d had on board and grabbed a bag, then headed over to him. Quickly I dug through the items in the bag, but I couldn’t find the golden coin with the benu bird stamped on it.

“I don’t see it!” I yelled.

“It’s in the secret flap. Feel aroun’ with yer fingers!”

I gasped as a slime-covered arm with webbed hands tipped with razor-sharp claws grabbed on to the ship. The skin was black and filled with a dark fluid just beneath the surface. It looked like ink trapped in a thin balloon. With a howl, Cherty impaled the arm to the side of the ship; blue-black fluid burst from the skin and dripped down the side of the boat. An inhuman screech filled the air, and when he pulled out the sharpened stick, the arm slipped over the side.

“I can’t find it!” I shouted.

“Here! Hand it off!”

I tossed him the bag and reached behind me, grabbing my shortened spears. I twirled, then jabbed them into the soft bodies of two creatures crawling up behind him. He tossed them overboard and then dug through the bag. “Got it!” he called out, a smile on his face, but before he could pull out the coin, an arm snaked up, wrapped around the strap, and yanked it over the side of the ship.

“Varlet!” Cherty cried as he shook his fist in the air. “Gotten more than you deserved with that one!”

More of the vile creatures attempted to clamber aboard. “What do we do now?” I cried.

“Hold ’em off while I make for the nets!”

“The nets?”

“Keep ’em pugnacious prima donnas off as best ye can, girlie!”

“Right,” I murmured, and spun into action. As Cherty worked the tiller, rocking the ship back and forth and letting out the sails until they were nearly ready to pop, I did my best to keep the boarders at bay. With deadly accuracy, I sliced throats, stabbed torsos, and chopped off arms. Tia was able to sense when one of Copyright 2016 - 2024