Recreated (Reawakened #2) - Colleen Houck Page 0,55

I’ve been trained in the social graces since the time I could talk. We’ll be fine.”

It’s just that it would pain me to learn that your journey ended before it began. Perhaps I should remain at your side when you meet him.

Threading my fingers through his mane, I held tightly as he gracefully descended to the flagstones below. His hooves hit the sparkling tile, and the air he stirred up as he balanced his weight blew my hair in every direction. He tucked his wings into his side so tightly that they disappeared even from my view, and we trotted down the long bridge leading to the gate, where guards stood with long, dangerous-looking spears crossed between them.

Perhaps, if all goes well, you could pass along a message for Anubis to give to my woman. I do not know if he will deliver it, but it couldn’t hurt to ask.

“I could do that,” I offered, wondering about this woman who was loved by a unicorn. “Anubis owes me anyway. What would you like me to say?”

Tell her…tell her that my heart still burns for her.

Even more mysterious. “If I can, I will share your message.” I slipped off his back and teetered for a moment, trying to gain my balance. Nebu pressed his nose into my hand and I patted his muzzle in gratitude.

Come. Let me guide you as far as the inner chamber if I cannot convince you to allow me to remain by your side while you’re here. The stallion walked beside us as we approached the guards, and he addressed them himself. This sphinx wishes to gain an audience with He Who Came Into Being by Himself. We request entrance.

A stone-faced guard answered. “Tonight he has business elsewhere, but perhaps Horus might like some entertainment.”

Entertainment? Tia hissed, bristling at the idea. They wish to make sport of us?

Tia was interrupted by one of the guards opening the gate and ushering us inside. We were given some vague instructions and left to our own devices, which I found strange for a fortification as large as Amun-Ra’s temples. I suppose that spoke to the power of the gods. There must not be too many who wished to challenge them.

Since Nebu walked confidently beside us and seemed to know where he was going, I wasn’t overly worried.

I wondered how best to approach Horus. Surely he would help us. Amon did carry his Eye, after all. What we were doing would affect everyone, even the people who resided in the golden city of Heliopolis. If Seth broke free, they would be in just as much danger as the mortal realm, wouldn’t they?

As we walked through the temple, all I could do was gape at the splendor and opulence of Amun-Ra’s home. Servants passed us bearing golden pitchers and trays full of ripe fruits, sweets, and cheeses. After the fifth one nodded demurely, giving us not even a second glance, I finally noticed something. “They’re all women,” I observed.

Who are you referring to? Nebu asked.

“The servants. And they’re all gorgeous.”

Both Amun-Ra and Horus like to surround themselves with beauty and the riches that their stations afford.

I rolled the idea over in my mind for a moment and then said, “Ah, I understand.”

What is it? Tia asked me.

I’ve been around guys like this before, I explained. They show off their money or power by only associating with those they consider worthy.

And are we not…worthy? she asked.

In our current state? Not really. I ran a hand through my wind-tangled hair. My dress was mud crusted, ripped, and bloodstained from where Tia had sunk her claws into me. I brushed my hand across the heart scarab at my waist, searching for some comfort to get me through our current situation.

Ah, Tia said in my mind. You wish to bathe and—she searched for the word—condition your mane.


And if we did this, we would be worthy enough to gain an audience with Horus?

I’m not certain of that, but at least we wouldn’t embarrass ourselves.

Are you sure baring our claws and teeth, even dull ones such as yours are, wouldn’t impress him more?

I’m sure.

After a beat, Tia said, Very well. May I address the unicorn?

Tia’s presence bubbled to the surface, and the switch of control felt as natural as merely stepping out of the way. “Unicorn,” Tia said. “It is I, the lioness. Lily feels ashamed to meet a god adorned in this manner. We require your assistance.”

Nebu cocked his head, studying us with an unblinking eye. Lioness, Copyright 2016 - 2024