Recreated (Reawakened #2) - Colleen Houck Page 0,41

thought, and then only if I’m able to dream.

Tia had not lied when she’d said that Amon had been the one to instigate the kiss, and I found it interesting that I no longer felt jealous. Of course I wished it had been me and not Tia he was kissing, but being with Amon in any way was wonderful. A miracle. And Tia was the reason it was possible. I couldn’t resent her for that, or for liking the kiss. What girl wouldn’t enjoy being kissed by a gorgeous sun god like Amon?

Feeling grateful for her warm presence, I murmured, “You sleep. I’ll find breakfast.”

I didn’t feel Tia stirring until I was halfway back to the place where Isis had left us. I hoped Dr. Hassan was still there, and kept up a steady pace despite the ache in my body that was surprisingly less than it had been when I’d fallen asleep the night before.

We heal faster together was the first thing she said to me after halting my run and luxuriously stretching my arms and back, arching it like a cat before I was able to regain control of my limbs.

“Wh-what was that?” I stuttered as I tried to find my stride once again.

Did you not comprehend my meaning the first time?

“I heard you. I just don’t understand why I suddenly felt the need to stop and stretch when my muscles have been warm and loose from running.”

Oh. That.

“Yes. That. Are you taking over my mind?”

I assure you that your mind is just as intact and within your control as it ever was.

“Then how did you do that?”

I didn’t. You did.

“No. It wasn’t a conscious thought.”

It was. We thought it.

“What do you mean, we? I didn’t think it. You did.”

Perhaps it began that way. But your mind agreed and accepted. Do not be overly concerned. It is a good sign. It means we are becoming one. Our minds wanted us to stretch. Therefore, we did.

“Maybe to you it’s a good sign. To me it feels like I’m being possessed.”

On the contrary. You were feeling secure. Relaxed. You were content with me. Your mind was free and at peace as you ran. That is how running feels for me. It was only natural that you felt more in tune with me during such an act, and your body responded to my mind smoothly and easily.

As harmonious as my run had been before, it now felt disjointed. Like I was in a three-legged race and couldn’t find my stride. To distract myself, I said, “I’m not mad. About Amon, I mean.”

I know.

“Just…wake me up next time that happens, okay?”

I will try, Lily.

“Thanks.” As I ran, I began to wonder what other things had changed about me now that I was a sphinx.

What is it? Tia asked.

“It’s just that, well, I kind of thought becoming a sphinx would mean I would, you know—”

Look like a monster?

“No. Yes. I guess in a way.”

The images you have of a sphinx in your mind are largely inaccurate, though I must admit I would have preferred to keep my fangs and my claws.

“Claws would have been a nightmare for my manicurist. So other than having you in my head, what about me is different?”

Heightened senses, for one. This began when the spell was enacted, though it became permanent when I accepted you.

“Hold on. You…accepted me?”

Yes. All the lionesses were aware of the spell the moment it was cast. We gathered in the clearing to assess our compatibility. Each cat was given the choice to cast off her form and merge her consciousness with you, but I was the one who could hear your thoughts the clearest. My sisters bowed to my claim and I began the hunt to assess your worthiness.

“So even then you might have killed me?”

If I deemed you undeserving, then yes.

“What were you judging, exactly?”

Many things. Your quick thinking. Your level of courage in the face of death. Your determination. But most of all, your heart.

“You could sense all of that?”

Yes. Your heart is a good one. The strength that centers it is love. There is no ambition or greed in you. From my perspective, the only thing holding you back is the limitation you put upon yourself. You cage your desires and your passions and willingly live in captivity. You know what you want but are afraid to reach for it. That you were able to come this far speaks to the depth of feeling in your heart. When I discovered Copyright 2016 - 2024