Reclaiming Quinn - Parker Williams Page 0,56

to you than what was on the surface.”

“But werewolf?”

A one-shoulder shrug. “The sniffing thing started me thinking. When I was a kid, we had a dog named Buster. He was forever sticking his nose somewhere to get a good whiff, and these guys reminded me of him, only not as cute and cuddly. What clinched it was the steak comment. There’s been an uptick of missing person’s reports filed. When we located the body, it was torn open, with organs missing. In each case, the medical examiner concluded it was an animal attack, but I always believed there was more to it than that. Whatever took those people down did so hard and fast. Their throats were ripped out and their bodies torn open, but it didn’t look animalistic. It was like whoever—whatever—did it was after certain parts. I told myself I was crazy, but still found myself going to the library to research animals who hunted in packs. Top of the chain? Wolves.” He chuckled. “And I may have read a few shifter romances in my life.”

Gareth and Lyram would freak if they found out Zach knew about shifters. “You can’t tell anyone. It’s not safe as it is.”

Zach held up a hand. “You have my word I will never speak of this to anyone other than you.”

That led to another concern. What would Gareth or Lyram have to say about a human knowing their secret?

“My Alpha will want to speak with you. He’s… well, Gareth’s in charge of our people, and Lyram is my direct Alpha now.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe you’re handling this so well.”

“I had a drug dealer shoot me once.” He pointed to his shoulder. “The bullet passed clean through, and I was sidelined for a couple of weeks.”

Deke frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“I judge people by their actions, not by their race, gender, sexual preference, or, in your case, species.” He nodded toward the door. “Those guys out there? Yeah, them I don’t like. You? I could see us going out for a beer and shooting the shit like old buddies.” He squeezed Deke’s hand. “And by the time we’re done here, I get the feeling that’s what we’ll be.”

With all the traveling Deke did, he didn’t have many friends, and he decided it would be nice to have Zach as one of them.

“HOW ARE you feeling, Quinn?”

Anxious, unsettled, angry. “I’m fine.”

They’d been in the room nearly an hour. With jasmine and lavender oils in the diffusers and the lights down low, Quinn knew that Sean and Rupert were in a light doze. Quinn envied that level of relaxation.

“You are aware I know you’re lying, right?”

Naturally Sean would call him out on it.

“You’re still trying to reach Deke, aren’t you?”

Of course he was. What a stupid question. “He’s my mate.”

“Who you’re not helping by trying to force things. Like I said, you need to clear your mind. You shouldn’t even be able to connect, but you’ve done it. The harder you strain, the worse it’s going to get.” Sean slid closer. “Let me try something.”

He closed his eyes, and a moment later Quinn was surrounded by the intoxicating smell of Sean’s pheromones. They permeated his body and his brain, and one by one, Quinn felt his thoughts drifting away.

“That’s it. Relax. Be comfortable.” Sean flicked his gaze at Rupert. “You doing okay?”

“Oh yes, Alpha Mate. So good.”

Sean chuckled. “I’m glad. The two of you have so much stress you’re under, and it’s been hard for me not to try and fix it. I’m glad I have that chance now. Just relax. Let your minds drift. Think pleasant thoughts.”

There were so few pleasant thoughts Quinn could recall before Lydon. The ones he did remember were because of Sean. He was the best big brother, always taking Quinn with him when he could. They’d go down to the lake and soak in the chilly waters, then climb out and dry under the sun. It was a rare treat, and one Quinn always looked forward to. Then came Ryker, and everything Quinn had held dear to his heart was ripped away. First Ryker stole Sean; then he took Quinn’s innocence.

The familiar ache slithered through him. Quinn stood, his chest heaving.

“I can’t do this.”

“You can,” Sean assured him. “Stop thinking of our past. That’s not going to help at all. Instead, think of Deke. Look at the moments where he brought you peace.”

Oh, those were indelibly etched into Quinn’s memory. Since that day at the dining Copyright 2016 - 2024