Reclaim - Aly Martinez Page 0,68

of the water and grabbed my tie, but I didn’t make her work too hard at dragging me in with her.

Soaking wet, fully dressed, on a day that should have been one of the hardest of my entire life, being with Nora was the only part of the equation that mattered.

When she was done dunking me underwater, I stripped off my pants, tie, and button-down and Nora made me close my eyes while she peeled out of her dress, exchanging it for my wet undershirt instead.

We took turns getting out to retrieve beers. I tried not to stare at the way my white shirt clung to her mouth-watering curves. Barely scraping together enough self-control to keep my groans to myself.

Four beers in, when it was my turn to get us another drink, Nora no longer offered me the same courtesy—thank fuck.

“Holy shit, Camden Cole. Can we discuss where and how you got that six—er, eight pack?”

I passed her both the beers so I could slide back inside the warm water, the jets bubbling atop the glowing blue surface. “Finally, she notices. I almost pulled something and passed out flexing last time I got out.”

She wagged her eyebrows. “That time, I was checking out your butt.”

“Like I’m some piece of meat?” I clutched my chest. In reality, I loved every fucking minute of it. “Go on. And the first time?”

With a wolfish grin, she shook her head and settled deeper into her corner seat. “So, anyway. Are you still in school?”

I squinted to let her know I was onto her, but I gave her a pass with her less-than-smooth subject change. Under the water, I hooked my ankle around hers and she rubbed her foot against my leg.

Our chemistry would always be there. Nora and I had a dynamic most people couldn’t possibly understand. Playful and physical. Cool and natural. The feel of her skin against mine was as familiar as my own. For most of our lives, we were each other’s only source of attention and affection. So, even if it had started innocently in our youth, as we got older, our touches had become something else entirely.

Something more mature—an attraction and desire neither of us could deny.

But hey, if she could flirt and be coy, so could I.

Also, I was a little buzzed, so that seriously helped in the courage department.

“I’ll tell you what. If you give me a kiss right here”—I tapped my cheek on the side she was closer to—“I’ll answer whatever questions you have.”

Her lips twisted to the side where she tried—and failed—to suppress a grin. “So that’s how it’s gonna be?”

“Is that another question?” I huffed and lifted my beer to my lips. “Keep ’em coming. I’ll start a running tally. I’m fantastic at math, in case you've forgotten.”

She sloshed over to me, slapping a big, wet, sloppy smooch right where she had been instructed. “There. Now, tell me about college.”

“I’m going to be in school for the rest of my life at this rate.” Holding my beer above water, I folded under the surface and grabbed her toe, pulling her foot back up with me. I rested her ankle on my thigh and began rubbing her foot with one hand.

“Mmm,” she hummed, closing her eyes. She brought her other foot to rest on my lap as though it were waiting in line. “You’ve been holding out on me, Cam. How come you never did this back at the creek?”

“Because you would have punched me.”

She laughed and set her beer aside. “Probably.”

I put my drink aside too and readjusted so I could massage both of her feet at the same time. “Okay, my turn for a question.”

“I do believe there’s a price for that.” She teased her slender index finger down her neck. “Fair is fair.”

My mouth dried and my lips—among other places—twitched. “Just name the spot. I’m here for it. So fucking here for it.”

The playfulness in her eyes transformed into a fire. Having her look at me like that while sitting within arm’s reach was better than any fantasy I’d had of her over the years. And believe me, there were plenty.

Her finger landed just below her earlobe on her neck. “Here.”

I spread her legs and in one fluid motion gave her ankles a tug, dragging her into my lap so that she was straddling me. Water slapped the edges, and without hesitation, her arms wrapped around my neck. Cocking her head to the side, she invited me to press my lips to Copyright 2016 - 2024