Reckless Rock Star - Victoria Ashley Page 0,96

were never supposed to find out.”

“Clearly.” I remove my arm from him and turn away, hurt that my own fucking brother, of all people, is the one who destroyed me. The one person I thought I could trust. “What? You just planned to keep it from me forever?” I ask, after turning back around. “Was that your plan? Just keep me in the dark like a goddamn fool.”

“Madden, calm down.” Alana steps in the path of my brother when I take a step toward him. “Please. I don’t want you two fighting over me. I love you, not him. Sleeping with him was the biggest mistake of my life. I’ve regretted it every day since, and I regret ever saying I was confused. I never was. It was always going to be you over him.”

I narrow my eyes at her, surprised that she thinks me wanting to hurt my brother has anything to do with her. “It’s not about you, Alana. Fuck, why can’t you see that? It’s about family. It’s about trust. It’s about the one person who is supposed to have my back betraying me.” I lean in so that we’re face to face. “I’m over you, Alana. I think I was a long time ago and just didn’t see it until now. I. Don’t. Love. You. Anymore. Get that through your head and let me live my life. No more texts. No more calls. Nothing.”

“You mean that?” Her bottom lip trembles as she looks me in the eyes, and I know she’s trying hard not to cy. “Do you? Fucking tell me and you better mean it, because once I walk away, it’s for good.”

“I’m over you, Alana. I want nothing to do with you. Is that clear enough?”

“Fuck you, Madden!” she spits out, shoving my chest as hard as she can. “I hate you.” She shoves me once more, before storming off, leaving me alone with my brother.

“Madden, we can talk this out.”

I shake my brother’s hand off and shoot him a warning look. “Go the fuck home before I do something I regret.”

“Come on. I’m your fucking brother. At least give me a chance to explain.”

“Yeah, my brother, which is exactly why there shouldn’t be shit to explain.” I place both palms against the side of the cabin, fighting to get a grip before I fuck my own brother up. “Is that why you agreed to let me take Natalie on this trip? Don’t fucking lie to me either.”

“Yes,” he says, after a few seconds of silence. “I was trying to make up for my mistake. I didn’t want you hurting any—”

“Fuck off and leave. If I have to look at you, I’m going to hurt you. Walk the fuck away. You owe me that at least.”

He stands still for a few moments to weigh his options, before finally walking away. Seconds later, the door to his SUV closes and he drives off.

“Fuck!” I yell out, before running both hands through my hair. I’m pissed—really fucking pissed—and all I can think about is getting to Natalie. I need her right now.

I make my way through the cabin to mine and Natalie’s room. When I walk inside, Natalie is angrily packing her suitcase, tossing everything inside as if she’s in a hurry to escape this place. I can’t let that happen. I need her here; especially right now.

Closing the door behind me, I stalk toward Natalie, grab her waist, and pull her against me. The moment her body connects with mine, I grip her face and crush my lips to hers, walking her backwards until her back hits the dresser.

With a growl, I slip my tongue into her mouth, my hand moving around to tangle into the bottom of her hair. It takes her a second before her hands are on me, gripping the front of my shirt. “You’re not going anywhere,” I whisper, picking her up to carry her to the bed. “I fucking need you, Nat.”

When I lay her back, her eyes meet mine, taking them in, as if to see if I meant what I just said. Fuck yeah, I did. She must’ve realized she heard me correctly, because she’s pulling me to her by my T-shirt.

I roughly slam my slips against hers, my insides burning to be inside of her. I’ve never felt like I needed anyone the way I need Natalie right now. I never felt the need to touch every inch of another person before. Not until now.

With my lips Copyright 2016 - 2024