The Reckless Oath We Made - Bryn Greenwood Page 0,87

him to talk about it, I couldn’t tell.

“Okay, just be honest. Why did you take me to Miranda’s house that night? It was because you thought I was too white trash to take to your real house, wasn’t it? You didn’t want Charlene to meet me, did you?”

“My lady, nay. In truth, I took thee thither for the same reason I first wished to know Miranda. It granted me more freedom. If I said to my lady mother, I go out, she would say, Where will you go? Who will you see? What will you do? When will you return?

“If I said to her, I go to see Miranda, she dared not question me, for she felt it was not her place to query my right to see the woman that gave birth to me. The night I took thee to Miranda, ’twas with the same desire. That I be not questioned. That thou be not questioned. How do you know Gentry? How did you meet Gentry?

“Above all, I desired my mother not take thee aside to tell thee I am autistic. To tell thee of my voices. I longed for thee to know me ere thou heard such things.”

“Yeah, she did do that,” I said. “But I kinda get why she thinks she needs to.”

“Lady Charlene meaneth always to care for me, in the way she thinketh best.”

“So what’s up with your other family now? Is Brand in prison yet?” I meant it as a joke, but Gentry didn’t laugh.

“I know not. I saw them not after that night,” he said.

“Wait. What? You haven’t seen them since that night?”

“I could not bear it. They cared not for me, and they shamed me before thee. Thou wert wroth with me.”

“I was not ever mad at you. Things were just complicated,” I said. I held out my hand like I was going to touch him, but I waited until he nodded, before I touched the bite scars on his shoulder.

“And you’re not afraid of dogs, even though that happened?”

“Nay. I was a child and knew naught of dogs. Now I ken I must earn their respect.”

“Was that the plan tonight?” I said.

“’Twas only to make amity with the dog. And methinks him hungry.”

“Yeah, I don’t think they feed him enough. Probably some stupid bullshit about making him tougher. I wish people wouldn’t get an animal if they’re not going to take care of it.”

“’Tis why I have no dog, tho I would. I am not worthy yet.” He rolled onto his side and looked at me. My face, my mouth. I wondered if he was going to kiss me.

“What do you mean by worthy?” I said.

“Once a man earneth a dog’s devotion, ’tis nigh impossible to undo. A dog giveth his loyalty even to a man that beateth him and starveth him. I must be worthy ere I accept a dog’s trust.” He said it with a level of sincerity I didn’t think I’d ever managed about anything.

“Well, if you’re not worthy of a dog, I definitely am not worthy of a champion,” I said.

“’Tis not for thee to be worthy. ’Twas for me to become worthy. When I was a boy of fourteen, the Witch told me I would be given the honor of protecting a lady. For eight years, I waited.”

“But why me? Seriously, I have never done anything to deserve a champion.”

“When first I saw thee, thou wore a blouse of green,” he said. “Thy leg was braced and thy physic had caused thee great pain. The Witch said, There is she.”

“I think the Witch might be a little daffy. Like what if she just randomly picked me?”

“Nay. Ever she speaketh truth.”

I wasn’t sure what to think about that, because the Witch lived inside his head, and he was the only one who could hear her. She was part of Gentry, but not Gentry.

“I’m pretty sure you’re worthy of a dog,” I said.

“Mayhap someday, but not this day, when it is still my labor to be worthy of thee.”



I wondered if the push-ups Gentry did while I was sleeping were part of becoming worthy of me.

“Are you seriously doing calisthenics?” I said, when I woke up around midnight.

“’Tis not my custom to sleep at night.”

I couldn’t complain about it, because he was being quiet. Pant. Push. Pant. Push. Then he switched to sit-ups, and I fell back to sleep. I woke up later to this feeling that people were fighting. The sound of people arguing traveled the Copyright 2016 - 2024