Reckless (Mason Family #3) - Adriana Locke Page 0,71

and see five people from their family in the stands. “Oh, that’s my Grandma Smith,” someone could say.

I didn’t have a grandma, let alone a fellow Thorpe.

It’s why I left home with Shawn. I wanted to create a place I belonged, no matter how unhealthy it was.

I won’t let that happen to you, baby girl.

The doorbell sounds, ringing through the house, and Rosie’s eyes light up.

“Maybe it’s Wade!” she shrieks and starts to climb down the chair.

I laugh, helping her to the floor. “I don’t think it’s Wade.”

She lands and races to the foyer without missing a beat.

“We don’t answer the door without an adult,” I remind her.

She drops her hand quickly. “No touching.”

“No touching,” I repeat. “That’s right.”

I peer through the peephole and see Siggy.

“Hey,” I say, pulling it open.

“Iggy!” Rosie screeches. “Hi, Iggy!”

Siggy laughs. “Hi, sweetheart. Are you ready to go?”

She stands on the porch in a pair of jeans that are inherently trendier than anything I own and a navy-blue blouse with giant white flowers that makes her look effortlessly beautiful. A necklace with a light pink circle hangs on her tanned skin.

I blow out a breath. She’s a vision of put-togetherness, and I’m a hot mess.

“I forgot she was going with you today,” I tell her, grabbing Rosie before she makes a break for it. “I’m so sorry. Can you give me a second to get her shoes on her?”

“Of course. I’m in no hurry.”

“Thank you.”

Siggy steps inside as I hoist Rosie on my hip. I grab her shoes and carry them with us to the kitchen.

“Am I going with Iggy?” Rosie asks as I put her shoes on her feet.

“Do you want to?” I ask.


Siggy ruffles her hair. “We’re going to Bellamy’s to play with Bree. Does that sound fun?”


She climbs off the chair and takes Siggy’s hand. “I’m ready, Iggy.”

Siggy grins and looks at me. “I love that she calls me that.”

“It’s pretty cute.”

I follow them to the door.

“Can you go to the potty before we get in the car please, Rosie?” Siggy asks her.

“I don’t need to go potty, Iggy.” She furrows her little brow.

So serious. So, so cute.

“Why don’t you try?” I ask. “And we’ll wait right here.”

Siggy smiles at Rosie. “Yes, I’ll be right here. I promise.”

“Okay,” Rosie says, not amused but willing to participate to get it over with. “Wait for me!”

She runs down the hallway without a tantrum, thankfully.

“Are you doing okay, sweetheart?” Siggy asks me.

“Yeah. I’m great. Thanks. Are you okay?”

Siggy furrows a brow in a way that only a mother can do.

“You know you can reach out any time, right?” she asks. “If you need anything or want to grab coffee or want to go shopping. I can watch Rosie or go with you.” She winks. “I love shopping.”

“I appreciate that. I might take you up on it one day.”

“You do that.” She opens the door, and they step outside. “I’ll have her back this evening. Or you and Boone can come over for dinner. I’ll whip something up.”

I lean against the door. “I’ll ask him. He should be home soon.” I glance at my watch and realize he’s already late.

“Tell Jaxi goodbye,” Siggy tells Rosie.

“Bye. Love you,” Rosie says, waving over her shoulder.

I smile. “Have fun, Rosie. I love you.”

The words flow out of my mouth. I love you.

A lump forms in my throat.

Siggy straps Rosie in, gives me a wave, and pulls down the driveway. I’m about to close the door when another car pulls to the curb.

A man in a sharp white polo shirt and black dress pants gets out. He takes out a folder and a notepad before heading up the sidewalk.

“I’m a little late,” he says, giving me a bright smile. “I’m Danny Coutcher, if it wasn’t obvious.”

No. No, it wasn’t.

“Can I help you?” I ask.

“I’m supposed to meet with Boone Mason this afternoon.” He stops. “Am I at the wrong house?”

He looks around for the house number. I should have sympathy for him, but I’m too distracted to laugh about it.

“No, you’re at the right place,” I say.

A guy is coming by at six.

“He mentioned someone was coming but not until six. He’s not home yet,” I tell him. “I’m Jaxi. Is there something I can do for you?”

“Oh. Shit. That’s right. I had it in my head that I was supposed to be here at four, but he said he was getting home at four, didn’t he?”

I nod. “I think you’re very early.”

He takes a deep breath. “I tell you Copyright 2016 - 2024