Reckless (Mason Family #3) - Adriana Locke Page 0,49

so effortlessly. Genuinely. It’s surreal.

It turns out that great shoulders, a sexy back, and an excellent smile aren’t my kryptonite. It’s respect.

Who knew?

Our breathing quickens. My pulse races. His fingers dip into my cheek.

“Boone …”

All of the reasons I shouldn’t do this disappear, and all I can think about is being whisked away from the problems in my life by Boone’s lips.

I want that.

I need that.

He dips his head toward mine, and I tilt my mouth to meet his. His eyes penetrate mine with a sweet heat that makes me moan well before any contact has been made.

I can feel the heat of his breath. The spiciness of his cologne sweeps through my senses.

A small gasp slips by my lips just before his mouth reaches mine.

Oh, my gosh.

I close my eyes and then—

“Boone!” Rosie’s voice billows down the hallway and into the room.

Boone’s fingers press into my cheeks as our eyes fly open.

We part as though we are the children and are being caught by our parents.

“That kid …” He chuckles. “I’m in here!”

Her feet patter against the floor before she rounds the corner and launches herself against Boone’s leg. She looks up at me with chocolate all over her face.

She giggles. “Wade gave me chocolate!”

Boone pats her on the head. “We can tell.”

“Why don’t we go make sure you get some vegetables for once?” I say, picking her up.

She kicks her legs. “I want to play.”

“You need something good to eat,” I tell her, ignoring the heat of Boone’s stare.

I start out of the room. Boone tugs on my shirt.

I look over my shoulder at him.

“Did I overstep?” he whispers.

I consider his question.

It’s better that we didn’t kiss. It’ll only make things murkier. Still, since we didn’t, I guess I can be honest.

“Sadly, no.” I shrug as his eyes go wide. “Now we’re going to get some food.”

He growls behind me and I laugh as we leave him in Rosie’s room.

I carry Rosie toward the commotion in the kitchen and think about what Boone said about his grandma. My grandma had words of wisdom too.

She used to say that if things seemed too good to be true, they usually are.

I hope to God that she’s wrong this time.



“You’re here early again?” Oliver leans against my office door with a smug grin. “It’s like I don’t even know who you are anymore.”

I sit back in my chair and smooth my tie down the center of my chest. “Don’t worry, Golden Boy. I’m not coming for your job.”

He snorts. “I’m hardly worried about that.” He walks inside and sits down across from me.

The early morning sun rises over downtown Savannah. It’s a really cool thing to watch. It’s my new thing this week—grab a cup of coffee and then wait for the show.

It’s weird being at the company headquarters routinely, let alone at six in the morning. I had an idea about the Greyshell property after talking with Holt on Sunday at my house and came in Monday to work on it. I came back all week.

Turns out, working doesn’t kill me. Who knew?

“How are things going at your place?” Oliver asks. “Is it weird having housemates that you aren’t fucking?”

“Who said I’m not fucking Jaxi?”

He grins.

It’s like he knows that I haven’t slept with her.

Every day that passes, it gets harder—both literally and figuratively. I considered that my attraction to her might lessen over time, that having a child around would make her less sexy.

I was wrong.

My life before this tsunami was a lot of fun. It was wild and filled with late nights and even later mornings. I had a great thing going.

So why am I enjoying this new thing this much?

It’s not hard to enjoy walking into a room and have someone catapult themselves at you like you’re the coolest person in the world. It’s quite nice to have someone expect you to come home in the evening and ask you questions about your day. I love the way the house smells and feels like a home—like burnt food and cleaning supplies and laundry soap.

I’m needed and appreciated because of who I am and not just what I can give someone. It’s pretty fucking fabulous.

As long as I don’t screw it up, anyway.

“Well, look at you,” Holt says, poking his head around the corner. “In the office like a proper fucking adult.”

“Good morning to you, too,” I say.

He grins as he sips his coffee and slides into the chair next to Oliver.

“What are we talking about?” Holt asks.

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