On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,99

they say. I’m only here to keep my old man off my back.”

I winced at the harsh tone, but I wasn’t entirely convinced he was speaking the truth. I’d seen him play with Jasmine. I’d witnessed how free he’d looked in that moment.

“The exhibition game is this weekend,” I reminded him, choosing not to push him about it. “Maybe we should wait until after that to...” I trailed off, realizing how presumptuous I sounded.

“Go on, say it.” A faint smile traced his lips.

“Say what?” I played dumb, curling my fingers into the hair at the back of his neck.

“Whatever you were about to say.” His lips hovered over mine, teasing. My body stirred to life, desperate for more of his kisses. His touch and attention.

I was already losing myself in Zachary Messiah again, but this time, I knew he’d be there to catch me.

“I’m waiting, sweet pea...”

“What’s it worth to you?”

“A negotiation?” His brow rose playfully, and I nodded around a smile of my own. “Name your terms.”

“I was hoping you might be able to get Jasmine and some of the kids at the center tickets to the game. I think it would really be good for them.”

“Already done.”

“W- what?” I gasped.

Zach grinned. “Had the idea the other day. She’s got raw talent... she just needs the right direction.”

“Thank you.” I kissed him. “Thank you so much.”

“There is one catch though.”

My body stilled as I narrowed my eyes at him. “Why do I not like the sound of this?”

“I want you there.”

“No, Zach, I can’t...” Dread flooded me. “I can’t be there while my dad and Callum are—”

“I know, babe.” He touched his forehead to mine. “I wouldn’t ask unless it was really important. Jasmine needs you there, Calli. She needs to know she can depend on you...” He hesitated, a rare flash of vulnerability sparkling in his eyes.

“And I need you there, sweet pea. I really fucking need you there.”


My heart crashed violently against my chest as I waited for Calli’s answer. I was railroading her, playing dirty by using Jasmine as an excuse to get her to the game. But I needed her there.

“Yes,” she breathed. “I’ll come to the game.”

Sweet relief coursed through my veins. It was more than I deserved, but I’d take it. I’d take whatever I could where she was concerned.


I still couldn’t believe I’d gotten it so wrong... although, deep down, I wasn’t surprised. Maybe part of me had always known that Calli wouldn’t have betrayed me in that way. But I was so fucking angry, full of resentment and bitterness. When I’d heard the words fall from her lips, my world and everything I thought I knew about Calliope James came crashing down around me. All the love and adoration I felt exploded into a blinding rage. Throw in a father determined to get me to bend to his will and a brother who could never put a foot wrong, and my carefully constructed defenses cracked wide open.

If Calli didn’t want me, I had no one.

No one.

She was everything... and then she was nothing.

In that split second, I let our love become something dark and twisted because it was easier to believe it had all been a lie than confront her and risk my heart all over again.

“Zach, talk to me,” she said, nudging her nose along my cheek. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“I don’t even know where to start.” I had a giant knot in my stomach and a boatload of regret swimming in my veins. I was drowning, fighting to stay afloat in a torrent of self-hatred and guilt.

She brushed the hair from my eyes. “We were kids...”

“It doesn’t change the fact I fucked up,” I choked out. “I should have talked to you. I should have...” My voice cracked as I swallowed over the lump in my throat.

“Even if you’d have told me and it hadn’t gone down like that, I wouldn’t have been able to watch you play. I could barely be in the gym without wanting to scratch off my skin. It would have created a wedge between us.”

“I should have stood up to him, told him no.”

“Part of you wanted his validation—”

“Calli, that’s not it.” I hadn’t wanted my father’s validation. I wanted him to get off my back. Pacifying him seemed like the easiest way to do that.

“Yes, it is. And do you know how I know that?” She let her lips slide over mine, kissing me softly. “Because even now, even after everything, I

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