On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,86


“Ah, the start of every good story.”

“She was a kid, asshole. Real quiet little thing. She got buddied up with Calli.”

“I’m sensing that’s not a good thing?” His brow lifted.

“I got the impression she didn’t like Calli very much.”

“That’s hard to believe. She’s one of the most inoffensive people I’ve ever met.”

“Yeah. I think she was trying too hard, ya know?”

“Let me guess, the kid didn’t like Calli, but she took an instant shine to the Messiah.” Amusement twinkled in his eyes.

“Please stop calling me that.”

“If the cap fits...”


“Takes one to know one.”

“Your eggs are sticking.” I flicked my eyes to the pan.

“Fuck.” He spun around and started flipping his omelet. “Plate.”

“Top right,” I grumbled, the smell making my stomach churn.

“You want any?”

“No, I’m good.”

Brad found a fork and started digging in. “It’s good,” he said around a mouthful.

“So how is Josie? Ready to confess to Joel that you’re dicking her?”

“Dude!” He spluttered. “I’m eating.”

Laughter rumbled in my chest. I still felt hungover, but the water was helping a little.

“Seriously though, man. You want to talk about this shit with Callum and Calli, I’m your guy.”

“Good to know, but the answer is still no.”

What the fuck would I say anyway? I thought I hated Calli, part of me still did, but I also missed her. I missed her so fucking much. Being around her had always made breathing a little easier.

At first, I’d thought it was the thrill of the chase, of luring her into a game of cat and mouse. But I was beginning to realize it was just her.

Calli was the flame and like a moth drawn to the light, I couldn’t seem to stay away.

“Oh shit, you’ve got it bad.”

“Fuck off.”

Brad snickered. “It’s written all over your pretty face. This is a shitshow just waiting to happen. But maybe it’ll distract everyone from the fact I’m boning Joel’s sister.”

“Nice, man. Real nice. Maybe I’ll have a little chat with Josie and see what she thinks about your little arrangement.”

He shot upright. “Don’t you dare, Zach.”

“Or what?”

“Seriously, man. Don’t mess with me over this. Josie is—”

“Say it.”

His brows puckered. “Come on, don’t be an asshole.”

“Takes one to know one.” I threw his words back at him.

“I like her, okay. I like her a lot.”

“There,” I said around a smug smile, “that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“It can never work though.” He let out a resigned sigh. “You know as well as I do that Joel will never...” He trailed off.

“Fuck what Joel thinks. It’s a stupid rule anyway.”

“Stupid because you want to get into Calli’s—”

I pinned him with a dark stare, and he threw up his hands in surrender.

“Joke, I’m joking.”

“You’re a fucking idiot.”

Silence settled over us. What a pair we were: him fooling around with Josie behind Joel’s back, me and Calli... doing whatever the fuck we were doing. Which was a lot of nothing at the minute given she was freezing me out. Maybe I needed to make a gesture, to extend an olive branch? But she didn’t seem to appreciate my direct and to the point approach, so I needed to think outside the box.

“Serious talk time.” Brad washed his omelet down with a carton of juice. “Are you feeling ready for the exhibition game?”

“The team’s ready.” We hadn’t played much together yet since official practice didn’t start until next weekend. But we’d been meeting and doing our own thing, working on plays and refining our flow.

“I didn’t ask if the team is ready, I asked if you were ready.” His brow lifted but I chose to ignore him. “It’s already a sell out,” he added. “Coach said we all get a couple of tickets for our families; not that I have anyone to invite.”

An idea sparked in my mind.

I’d need to speak to Freya first, but it could work.

“Oh no, what are you up to?” Brad whistled through his teeth.

“Me?” I smirked. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”


I avoided Zach around campus. Which wasn’t hard considering he was an athlete, and I was no one. Joel was still giving me the silent treatment, and Callum was nowhere to be seen.

So when my father called to invite me to the exhibition game, I almost laughed hysterically down the phone.

“You want me to what?”

“Calliope, must you be so...”

“So what, Dad?” I could hardly keep the venom from my words.

He let out a heavy sigh. “All this anger is no good for you.”

“I’m not—” I stopped myself. He didn’t get it. He hadn’t got it

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