On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,73

glass and brought it to my lips. “Promise me I won’t regret this.”

“Promise. Ready?” I nodded. “On three. One... two...”

Throwing the glass back, I downed it in one. Fire exploded in my throat, chased off by the sickly sweet taste of cherries.

“That was disgusting.” I grabbed my beer and washed the shooter down.

“You’ll live.” Josie chuckled. “Now, tell me everything.”

“Calliope James!” Her eyes almost bugged. “You’ve been holding out on me, babe.”

“Ssh.” I tried to smother her mouth with my hand, but she pushed it away.

“I’m proud of you.”


“Hell yes. You came to a college after losing your mom, knowing your brother and dad weren’t going to make it easy. On top of that, you find out that your high school sweetheart, the boy you’ve never gotten over, also goes here... and is harboring some major anger toward you. Throw in a basketball team who doesn’t know you exist, and a best friend who is pretty freakin’ awesome, and I think you’ve got yourself a script to any good soap opera.”

“Josie, this is my life.”

“I know. And it’s so damn juicy.”

“You’re drunk.”

“Am not.” She pouted. “I’m merely happy.”

“Well, drunk or not, I’m cutting you off,” Xavier said, glowering at her.

“You’re no fun.” She beeped his nose. “Xavier, back me up on something... if you, a guy, says he hates a girl, what’s really going on there?”

“Oh no, Jos, don’t be pulling me into your female psych class bullshit. I have drinks to serve.” He threw his towel over his shoulder and moved down the bar.

“Shall I order an Uber?” I asked. Campus was only a fifteen-minute walk, but I didn’t want to get halfway and have Josie pass out on me.

“I can probably get us a ride.” She started scanning the bar.

“What? No. No, Josie!”

“Consider it done.” She completely ignored me and marched off toward a group of mean looking bikers.

For a girl who claimed to have anxiety she sure did handle herself well.

Josie returned with a guy on tow. “Skeet, meet Calli. Calli meet Skeet. He’s going to give us a ride back to campus. Come on.”

“Oh no, that’s okay. I’m not sure—”

“Skeet will make sure you girls get back okay,” Xavier said. “You watch them good, okay? They’re precious cargo.”

It was silly, but his words warmed something inside me. I’d never had a brother who cared or looked out for me. Growing up, Callum had always been too busy with practice or training camps or games to care.

My heart clenched. Xavier was a good guy, and he clearly adored Josie, treating her like an annoying younger sister.

“See you soon.” Josie leaned over the counter and kissed his stubbled cheek.

“Thank you for having us,” I said.

“Anytime, Calli. And don’t be a stranger okay? It’s nice to see Josie bring a girlfriend around here.”

“Let’s bounce,” our ride home said.

“Are you sure about this?” I whispered to Josie as she pulled me along with her.

“Skeet is good people.”

“Josie, you think everyone is good people.”

She flashed me a knowing smile. “If he kidnaps us and turns us into his sex slaves, you can totally blame me.”

“You did not just say that.”

She chuckled as we spilled onto the sidewalk.

“I’m just down here.” Skeet motioned down the street. He didn’t seem like the chatty type, walking ahead of us with his hands in his pockets and head lowered.

When we reached his truck, I hesitated. “Are you sober?” I blurted out.

He gave me an amused smile. “Two years and four months.”

“Oh gosh, I didn’t mean—I’m sorry.”

“Relax.” He opened the passenger door and Josie climbed inside. “I’m not ashamed of my past.”

“And you shouldn’t be. It makes you who you are today,” I said, surprised at my boldness. Skeet gave me a nod, waiting while I clambered inside, and then slammed the door.

Josie laced her arm through mine, tucking her head into my shoulder. “Thank you for coming tonight, Calli.”

“Thank you for inviting me.”

We rode in silence, but I couldn’t stop thinking about what Josie had said, about me and Zach.

By the time we reached campus, my head was swimming with memories and thoughts of him.

“Here we are.” Skeet pulled up at the main entrance. “You girls good to walk the rest of the way? I have some shit to take care of.”

“Sure thing.” Josie smiled at him. “Thanks for the ride.”

He nodded. “Anytime.”

We climbed out and set off toward the dorms. “Uh oh.” Josie read a text on her cell.

“Why do I not like the sound of that?”

“It’s Brad. He says Callum and Zach got

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