On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,69

and everyone around me.”

“I’m not angry.”

He cut me with a knowing look. “I get it, I do. It’s hard to carry the weight of people’s expectations. Sometimes you have to cut free. Sometimes you have to put yourself first. All I’m saying is, make sure it’s what you really want. You’re here now. The way I see it, you can spend the next two years living in Declan’s shadow, or you can prove to everyone that you deserve to be here. That you have as much to offer. You’re not him, Zach. And that’s okay.”

I felt sucker punched.

It was like he’d looked into my soul and plucked out every insecurity I had and laid them out before me.

I flagged down the bartender and ordered something stronger. “You in?” I asked him.

“I’ll drink with you, Messiah,” Maverick teased. “But only if you promise to think about what I just said.”

Think about it?

I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

The bartender slid our glasses over the bar. “To a new season.” Maverick lifted his glass and tipped it toward mine.

“A new season,” I said.

“You can honor Declan without trying to be him, Zach.”

“You don’t know what it’s like... I came here and they just accepted me.” It had been weird as fuck. Still was.

“Because they’re good guys. A strong team. And because your name means something to them. They respect you.”

My lips pursed. That was the thing though. I didn’t want their blind respect. I wanted to earn it. To feel worthy of it.

“Callum isn’t coming?” Maverick changed the subject, and I was glad of the reprieve. I hadn’t anticipated tonight turning into a counseling session, but I couldn’t deny I felt a little bit lighter than I had walking through the door.

“He’s not in a good place.”

“Understandable. He’s also been fielding my calls.” He threw me a bemused smirk.

“You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”

“Nope. Just promise me you won’t do it again.”

“Why do I get the feeling you’re about to become a serious pain in my ass?”

Laughter rumbled in Maverick’s chest as his eyes danced with amusement. “Because you’re right. I don’t want you to go out there and play for Declan or your family or the college. I want you to go out there and play for yourself.”

“What happened to there’s no I in team?” My brow quirked up.

“Sarcastic fucker,” he murmured, taking a sip of his whiskey. “So tell me, what else is new on campus? Any girls caught your eye yet?”

I almost choked on my beer.

Maverick clapped me on the back, chuckling. “I sense a story there.”

“Not going there,” I said. “Not a chance.”

“That bad?” He smirked. “Well, whoever she is, she sounds like someone I’d like to meet if she’s giving Zach Messiah a challenge.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“Remember, I used to be you… And let me tell you, if she’s under your skin, chances are she’s not getting out anytime soon.”

“Helpful, really fucking helpful.” I rolled my eyes, pretending his words didn’t affect me.

“Can’t stop thinking about her? Trying to tell yourself you hate her? Treating her like she’s nothing to you? Ring any bells?” His brows waggled. “Because I’ve been there... and look where it got me. I’m getting married in less than three months. Fuck, I’m getting married.” He drained his drink.

“Hey,” I flagged down the bartender. “I think you’re going to need to keep those drinks coming.”

Something told me it was going to be a long night.

Things started to get messy. The crowd in The Pivot grew, everyone wanting to hang out with Scorpion royalty. After our little heart to heart, Maverick left me alone with my drink to stew on his words. He was a class act, moving from group to group, spending time with the freshman players, making everyone feel included and important.

He was a true leader.

One of the best the Scorpions had ever seen.

“So are we going to pretend you’re not standing over here mooning over Callum’s sis—”

“Don’t, Brad,” I barked. Liquor coursed through my veins and I felt more than a little buzzed. The last thing I needed was to get into it with one of my teammates about Calli.

“You can talk to me about her, you know? I mean, it isn’t like I have no experience in the field of wanting to bone one of your teammate’s sisters or anything.”

“I said leave it.”

“Okay, my bad. But seriously, do you really think Joel will cut off my dick if he finds out about

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