On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,67

more important things to be thinking about.

I kept myself busy with assignments and the training program at the center. Josie checked in on me and we hung out at lunch. If I tried hard enough, I could almost forget that I was Callum James’ sister. If I ignored the jagged little hole in my heart, I could almost forget about Zach.

But I should have known it was only the calm before the storm.

I was sitting in Muds minding my own business when a shadow loomed over me. “Can I help you?” I stared up at Victoria Penderton.

She gave me a dismissive huff and slid into the seat opposite me. “I thought it was about time we got to know each other.”

“I really don’t think that’s necessary.”

“You’re not still sulking over what happened last weekend, are you? That was just banter, Callista.”

“It’s Calliope.”

“Same thing.” She waved me off, touching up her lipstick with the tip of her finger. “You’ve got to understand our surprise to find out that Callum James’ little sister is at SU. I mean, he didn’t breathe a word of it, or you, to anyone.”

I internally winced at her cruel words.

“He has his reasons.”

“I’m sure he does. But now you’re here.” She pinned me with a saccharine smile. I knew girls like Victoria. Mean girls wrapped up in designer clothes and expensive perfume.

“What do you want, Victoria?” I refused to let her intimidate me. I had as much right to be here as anyone else.

“It’s an important season for the team. With Declan out of action, they need to focus. They don’t need any... distractions.”

“Let me guess, you think I’m a distraction?”

“Aren’t you?” One of her perfectly plucked brows rose.

“I’m nobody, Victoria. Believe it or not, I didn’t come here to mess with your precious team. I came here to honor my mom.” A ball of emotion swelled inside me.

She drummed her diamanté encrusted fingernails against the table. “Good, let’s keep it that way.” Victoria stood, swishing her deep auburn hair off her shoulder. She could have easily been a supermodel. She was too perfect, too flawless to be real.

It was as if the whole coffee shop had stopped to watch her and bask in her beauty. And there I was, sitting in my comfortable leggings and an oversized tank with my hair pulled into a messy bun, my face free of makeup.

“Oh, and Calli,” she said as an afterthought. “Don’t fool yourself into thinking Zach could ever want you again. He’s a Messiah, he’s going places.”

Before I could reply she breezed out of Muds as if she hadn’t just shot an arrow right through my heart.

“Calli?” Josie found me sitting there a few seconds later, my mouth still hanging open. “Please tell me I didn’t just see what I think I saw?” She dropped into the chair Victoria had occupied only seconds ago.

“We were ‘getting to know each other’,” I failed to keep the sarcasm out of my voice.

“I can’t believe she did that.”

“She doesn’t want me distracting the team.”

“She’s just jealous. You know Zach, and you have family ties to Callum. She won’t like that.”

“But that’s ridiculous.”

Josie shrugged, helping herself to one of my cookies. “What did I tell you?” She took a big bite, grinning.

“That’s gross,” I mumbled.

“So what are we doing tonight?”


“Yeah, it’s Friday. We have to do something.”

“No parties.”

She rolled her eyes, sucking the crumbs off her fingers. “We could go to Steel ‘n’ Thunder? Sometimes they have live music on a Friday.”

“Hmm, I don’t know.”

“Come on. It’s a guaranteed Scorpion-free zone.” Her brows waggled. “And Xavier is good people.”

“You’re not going to take no for an answer, are you?”


I grumbled my disapproval. But it was all a front. Because really, I was relieved to have someone like Josie in my corner.

Someone to push me out of my comfort zone.

But most importantly, someone to comfort me when it all went wrong.


“Holy shit,” Brad mumbled beside me as we watched The Pivot fill with SU alumni.

Scorpion alumni.

With only a week until the exhibition game, Coach Baxter had organized a meet and greet with some of the retired players.

Maverick Prince made a beeline for me as I took a long pull on my beer. “Zach,” he said. “It’s good to see you.”

“Prince.” I gave him a curt nod. If he thought we were about to have a heart to heart, he was sorely mistaken.

My mood had only gotten worse as the week went on, and I knew it had something to do with Calli ghosting

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