On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,64

the mixer.

“What?” Joel asked.

“Nothing.” I locked down all thoughts of Calli away, where she needed to stay. “And for what it’s worth, I am sorry how things went down. But it wasn’t my story to tell...”

“Until it was?” He gave me a knowing look before moving to the chest press.

Joel was a good guy. The kind of guy that liked rules and liked to follow them. He wouldn’t pursue Calli anymore because she was someone to me, not to mention Callum’s sister. Because the team came first.

Basketball came first.

I knew how it would affect her once Joel made it apparent he wasn’t interested anymore. Because she wasn’t worth the drama. She wasn’t worth more than the game.

It’s what I’d wanted, and yet I couldn’t help but feel a flash of anger that he wasn’t prepared to fight for her.

Nothing made sense anymore. I’d wanted to hurt her. I’d wanted to topple her carefully constructed world. But I didn’t feel the sense of satisfaction I thought I’d feel.

In fact, I felt pretty shitty about the whole thing.

It was confusing as fuck.

But I guess in some strange way, it made sense. Love and hate were just extreme emotions on the same spectrum. Like two ends of a piece of string.

I didn’t love Calli anymore but maybe I didn’t entirely hate her either.


“Joel, hey,” I said as he approached Professor Harold’s class.

“Hey, Calli.” He barely met my eyes and a sinking feeling spread through me.

“I was hoping we could talk for a minute.” I’d gotten here early for that very reason. “Listen, I owe you an apology.”

“It’s all good,” he said coolly. “We should probably go inside. We don’t want to be late.” Joel shouldered past me and made for the door, but I grabbed his arm.

“Joel, please.”

He raked a hand through his hair and let out a heavy sigh. “I knew, you know. I knew there was something weird between the two of you...”

“I’m sorry. It’s complicated.”

“Yeah, that’s what Messiah said.”

My brows pinched. “He talked to you about me?”

“No, Calli. He talked to me about the situation.”


My heart sank.

“But I see where your heart lies.” Dejection burned in his eyes and I hated it. Joel was a good guy. He deserved better than how I’d treated him. But I’d gotten to SU and everything had been so confusing.

“I didn’t know Zach went here.”

“What? How is that even possible?”

“Callum and I aren’t exactly close. There’s a lot he didn’t tell people.”

“No shit.” Joel tugged at the neckline on his jersey and I figured he probably felt as uncomfortable as I did right now. “If I’d have known who you were, Calli, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation right now.”

“Wow, okay.” My eyes darted to the ground as I clutched the strap of my messenger bag. “I don’t even know what to say to that.”

“It’s just how it is.” He shrugged, oblivious to just how deep his words cut. “Teammates don’t date each other’s sisters. It makes things messy.”

“I see.” My lips thinned.

“I like you, Calli, I do, but it could never have gone anywhere.”

“You’d really give up someone you liked for the team?”

“It’s just how it is.”

I lifted my chin, letting my hurt give me strength. “Then I guess you’re not the guy I thought you were.”

“I guess I’m not.” He gave me a sad smile. “See you around.” Joel ducked into the room, taking the air with him.

When I finally made myself go inside, I was hardly surprised to see Joel sitting down in one of the front rows.

He’d made his choice.

And it was the team.

“God, I live for these cupcakes.” Josie made a show of licking the frosting off her fingers. “You know, all this sugary goodness would probably make you feel a whole lot better.”

“I’m not hungry.” After my strained conversation with Joel, my stomach was still hollow.

“My brother is an ass, Calli.”

“He’s just loyal.”

“To a freakin’ game.”

My brow arched. “You know it’s more than that to these guys.”

“Yeah, I know.” Her expression fell. “It’s just so stupid. Like Brad,” she mouthed his name. “We just click, ya know? And he wants me, I know he does. But he’s worried about Joel and the team...” A defeated sigh escaped her lips. “I don’t want to be his dirty little secret, Calli.”

“At least he didn’t just write you off.”

“Joel knows there’s something between you and Zach, babe. He’s just doing the chivalrous thing.”

“I thought we were friends.” I’d known he was interested, but we were friends first.

At least, I’d thought

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