On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,60

stop you wanting me, does it? It doesn’t stop you getting wet for me. Every. Single. Time.” His hand dived between us, finding the hem of my skirt. Zach didn’t wait for permission or give me a chance to catch my breath, he just hooked the material aside and pushed two fingers inside me, stealing the air from my lungs.

“God...” I cried, so overwhelmed by his touch.

“Not God, sweet pea. Messiah. And you will fall at my feet.”

My eyes snapped to his, narrowing.

“There she is,” he chuckled, “my little fighter, my little warrior.”

Zach continued working me with his fingers, sliding them back and forth through my wetness. “Did you let him touch you, Calli?” He drawled against the corner of my lips. “Did you spread your legs and—”

“Like you haven’t slept with hundreds of girls,” I hissed, my chest heaving between us.

Zach kissed me again, with deep punishing strokes of his tongue as if he was trying to swallow my words and take them for his own.

Why did he have to be like this with me?

Wanting me… desiring me… always taking from me.

And then abandoning me, just like everyone else.

The frustration wasn’t only building in my body, it was unfurling from my heart and mind. I felt it rise from my throat and spill out in my words.

“I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU.” Tears flowed down my cheeks. Zach felt them, breaking the kiss. He stared at me, his fingers still inside me, his expression giving nothing away.

God, I wanted to know what he was thinking, I wanted to know everything about the boy I’d once known better than myself.

“Yeah, there have been other girls. More than I can count.” His words rattled inside of me. Vicious brutal lashes over my heart. “But they were never you, Calli. You’re in-fucking-here,” he tapped his temple. “And now you’re here, at SU, and I don’t know how the fuck to deal with that.”

“Talk to me... please, just talk to me.”

A flash of something filled his eyes, but it was gone in an instant. “Is that what you want, sweet pea? To talk?” Zach leaned in close again, licking up my tears. “Or do you want me to give you what you really want?” He dragged his fingers out of me and rubbed my clit in slow torturous circles, pausing the second my body began to shudder.

“Tell me, Calli,” he taunted me, a wicked grin plastered on his face. “Say the words.”

I looked him dead in the eye and gave him a little smirk of my own.

“Make me.”


I’d already noticed the difference in Calli on campus, but seeing the challenge sparkle in her eyes made me wonder if we were more similar than I gave her credit for.

I pinched her clit and her entire body shuddered. “You like that?”

She moaned, nodding. Her eyes were barely open as she lost herself to the pleasure. I wanted to devour her. To own every single part of her. It was some deep-seated need to control her. To hold her emotions, her happiness, in the palm of my hand, the way she’d once done with mine.

I would have done anything for this girl.


Seeing her again made me realize I wasn’t over her. That all this time, I’d been lying to myself. Ignorance was bliss. But now Calli was here, at SU, and I couldn’t keep the lock fastened on those old feelings.

“Zach.” My name fell from her lips in a breathy sigh.

“Come for me, sweet pea, now.” I curled my fingers, rubbing deep inside her as my thumb circled her clit. She cried out, clinging to my body as she shattered apart at my touch.

“God.” Her head hit the wall as she swallowed, trying to catch her breath.

I needed inside her. I’d never needed anything as much as I needed to feel her warm heat wrapped around me.

Calli’s body was lax in my arms as I carried her to the bed, laying her out before me. “Look at you,” I drawled.

She gazed up at me heavy-lidded and lust drunk. There was something else in her eyes too, something I chose not to acknowledge.

I made quick work of stripping the clothes from her body before removing my own. Calli’s eyes flared when they landed on my dick, hard and ready. Palming myself, I pumped a couple of times, biting down on my lip to stop a moan from escaping.

“You want this?” I smirked. “You want me to ruin you?”

She nodded. “Take your

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