On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,48

the words on the tip of my tongue. “There’s nothing wrong with working out, Dad. Kinda comes with the territory.”

“I know full well what it takes to be at the top of your game. But you can’t push too hard, not before the season has even begun. This year is important, Son. You can’t do anything to jeopardize it.”

As if I could forget.

It was Declan’s senior year, his final season. Except, he wouldn’t get to play it. I would.

It was so fucking messed up.

“Your mom wishes you would stop by. She misses you.”

My eyes shuttered at the insinuation in his voice. That somehow by avoiding the house, avoiding the heavy atmosphere, I was a bad son.

It also didn’t escape me that he hadn’t said they missed me. Because things between me and my dad hadn’t been right for a long time. Declan was his golden child, his favorite. Always had been. And I’d been the rebel child, the one he needed to force to fit the Messiah mold.

But he’d gotten his wish in the end. I was here. Living out his dream for me. Sure, no one could have anticipated that Declan would take that jet ski out and hit that buoy, but the sentiment was the same.

“We were disappointed you didn’t come with Victoria to see your brother. She’s such a good girl, standing by his side. Would it really hurt you to—”

“Not this again, Dad. I can’t...” I swallowed over the lump in my throat.

“You should have been there. You are a part of this family. Declan needs us. He needs you, Zachary.”

“I’m here aren’t I?” Wasn’t that enough?

The breath he exhaled made me wince. “It’s hard on everyone, but he needs us. Declan needs to know his family are with him through this.”

My fist clenched around the cell phone until the blood drained from my knuckles. Declan didn’t even know when someone was there. He was in a medically induced coma for fuck’s sake. But my parents didn’t want to hear it. It wasn’t the Messiah way.

“If there’s nothing else,” I said, done with his third degree. “I have plans.”

“With the team?” His voice held a trace of relief.

“Yeah. A few of us are going to check out the fair that’s in town.”

“Declan always did love the fair.”

My spine went rigid, my teeth grinding together. “Sure thing, Dad. Say hi to Mom for me.”

“I will. But you know, Zach, you can’t hide from this forever.”

I hung up, unwilling to listen to anymore of his lectures.

I wasn’t hiding, I just wasn’t living with my head in the clouds.


“I’m not sure about this,” I said, eyeing Josie in the mirror.

She fluffed her hair again, blotting her lips. “It’s a group thing, it’ll be fun.”

“With Joel and Zach there? I’m not sure that’s my idea of fun.” In fact, I couldn’t think of anything worse.

“What’s the worst that can happen? You and my brother hook up and Zach realizes he let you slip through his fingers again?”

“I don’t like the idea of playing games.” Despite the fact I was already in some game of push and pull with Zach.

“Joel invited you, right?”

I nodded.

“And he was upfront about Zach going too?”

Another nod.

“So, what’s the problem? Clearly Zach has no issue with you and Joel—”

“I thought you just said it was a group thing?”

“It is.” Her smirk did little to ease the knot in my stomach. “But it could be a you and Joel thing too. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”

“Ugh, don’t.” I flopped back on the bed, letting out an exasperated breath.

SU was supposed to be my fresh start. A chance to move on. Instead, I’d landed myself in the middle of some nightmare. Zach was here, taunting me at every corner. Callum was treating me like I was invisible. And Josie—my only friend here—knew nothing about me, not really.

“My mom died,” I blurted out, clapping a hand over my mouth.

“What?” Her hand flew to her own mouth. “Oh my god, Calli, I’m so sorry.”

Sitting up slowly, I blinked away the tears. “Almost three months ago. Cancer.”

“But Callum didn’t—”

“Tell anyone? Yeah, I figured.” God, what was wrong with him?

Our mom had died. She’d had a slow, painful, lingering death and he hadn’t told the team.

That wasn’t normal.

“Jesus, babe.” Josie sat down beside me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not really. It’s still raw, you know?”

She smiled sadly, nodding.

“I cared for her, toward the end. Sat with her as she slipped away.” Silent tears

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