On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,27

couldn’t imagine Zach with another girl, let alone one who looked like Victoria.

She shook her head. “I don’t think so. But they do hang out a lot.”

My eyes wandered over to them again. Victoria held court, telling a story with big over-exaggerated hand movements. It matched her expression; wide eyed and animated.

I couldn’t imagine how it must feel to be her, to know your boyfriend, the guy you wanted to spend your life with, might never wake up.

Since learning about Declan’s accident, I’d searched the internet for more details. It was morbid, I knew that, but I still couldn’t believe something so huge had happened in Zach’s life, my brother’s life, and I didn’t know.

I’d only found a couple of reports. He and Victoria had been celebrating their anniversary at Long Beach. Declan took a jet ski out on the ocean and hit a buoy, flipped and came off. She watched the entire thing happen from the shore.

A shudder ran through me as I remembered the eyewitness account. It was a freak accident. One that changed two lives forever.

“Calli?” Josie snapped her fingers in front of my face, and I blinked.


“Where’d you go just now?”

“Nowhere.” I gave her a weak smile.

“So you and my brother—”

“Are not up for discussion right now. You’re right, I need to tell him first.”

Which I would do just as soon as I could find the words.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to fess up. But Callum and I weren’t exactly brother and sister of the year. Joel would have questions, and then, when he knew the truth, he would walk away from me, like everyone else in my life.

“Joel is a good guy, Calli,” Josie said as if she had a direct line to my thoughts. “You can trust him with this.”

“Yeah, maybe.”

Just then, Victoria and her friends got up and made their way toward the door. She paused at our table though, looming over us like the lady of the house. “Josie, I didn’t realize you were a freshman this year.”

“Victoria,” my friend’s tone was cool, “you’re looking good.”

“Keto. I lost like ten pounds over the summer.”

“That’s... great.” Josie forced a smile. I could tell because it made her eyes all crinkled.

“And who is your new friend?” Victoria glanced at me.

“Hey, I’m Calli.”

“Calli, you say?” Her eyes narrowed. “You seem so familiar. Have we met before?” She flicked her wavy red hair off her shoulder, like she was in one of those sexy shampoo ads.

My hands twisted in my lap. “I don’t think so.” Sweat beaded between my breasts as I silently prayed she didn’t ask me where I was from. Because I couldn’t lie.

Omitting the truth was one thing, but to lie... that was another entirely.

“Your friends are waiting.” Josie broke the thick tension that had descended over us.

“Well, see you around, girls.” The word ‘girls’ rolled off her tongue, half-pleasant and half-insult, as if we were somehow beneath her.

Although looking at her designer handbag and shoes, I realized we probably were.

The second she left, the air became breathable again.

“She’s really... something.”

“You don’t think Zach told her about you, do you?”

“No,” I gasped. “Why the hell would he do that?”

“I don’t know. There was something strange about the way she was watching you. There’s definitely no way she can know who you are?”

“I don’t see how she could.” I shrugged, a strange sensation trickling down my spine. “Why?”

“Just be careful with her.”

“Come on.” I laughed but it came out strangled. “She’s just a girl.” A girl who seemed to be too put together to be grieving for her injured boyfriend, but who was I to judge? I knew firsthand everyone dealt with grief differently.

Some people turned to drugs or alcohol or warm willing bodies to numb the pain. While some people threw themselves into a project. Then there were people like me who fell out of love with the things they’d once loved and found solace in new things. Or there were people like Victoria. People who plastered on their flawless makeup and perfect smile like armor and got on with it.

No approach was the right or wrong way. Not where the heart was concerned. You could only do your best.

“All I’m saying is, watch your back. Victoria Penderton is a viper.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine, I’m no one.” But as I said the words, a feeling of dread crept over me.

Because the truth was, I wasn’t no one. I was Callum James’ estranged sister. And I was Zachary Messiah’s dirty little secret.

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