On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,16

to Bay View with Mom to see her cousin’s new baby. There had been a party and a couple of my old friends from school had talked me into going. I hadn’t expected to see Calli, but the second I did, I knew I couldn’t just walk away.

“I want my camera back.” Calli said from behind me. I turned slightly, fixing my eyes on her.

“Maybe I don’t want to give it back, maybe I want to negotiate.” I took another photo, the flash lighting up the dark space.

“I won’t play your games,” she seethed.

But the fire in her eyes betrayed her.

“So I didn’t hear your breath hitch when I touched you?” I stalked closer. “I didn’t see lust glitter in your eyes? I didn’t feel you fisting my t-shirt, pulling me closer?”

We were almost touching, Calli’s tight little body right there pressed close to mine. I smirked, holding my camera, taking snap after snap of her. Wide eyed and flushed, she looked so fucking beautiful, and I hated it.

Click, click, click.

“You still look at me with stars in your eyes,” I said quietly, hating the way the words twisted my insides. “Even after what I did to you. Even after what you did to me.”

“What—” Her words died as my hand glided up the side of her neck. A shudder rolled through her, but she wasn’t scared. She was turned on. I felt her arousal ripple in the air.

“Was it all a lie?” she whispered into the darkness, her voice wobbling. “Did you ever lo—” Her expression steeled as she swallowed the L word. “Did you ever care about me?”

“Does it matter?” My fingers moved to her cheek, stroking the skin there.

“No,” she whispered, tears pooled in the corners of her eyes, “I guess it doesn’t.”

Leaning down, I brushed my lips over hers, but she pressed them together, refusing to let me in. “Open up, sweet pea.” The words rumbled in my chest. “Let me taste you. I really fucking need to taste you.”

Calli hesitated, a shudder rolling through her.

“Calliope, please give me this.”

I was begging. Fuck, why was I begging?

But I needed her. I needed her in a way I couldn’t explain.

I saw the second she gave in. Her breath caught slightly, and her eyes burned with liquid lust.

“Good girl.” I dived for her, plunging my tongue deep into her mouth.

“Zach,” she whispered as I backed her up against the wall, kissing her like I was a man starved. The camera went off again as I captured the moment Calliope James fell from grace.

She pulled me closer. “One night,” she breathed. “You get one night.”

As if it could ever be anything more. This was madness, letting her back in. Giving a piece of myself to the girl who had ruined me. But I had to have her. One more time, I had to feel her.

“I need to feel you, now, Calli.” My fingers clawed at her thigh, but the camera was making things difficult. Pulling away, I bent down and placed it on the floor. It was enough to break the spell and when my eyes found hers again, I almost growled. She looked so fucking good… so innocent and pure.

“Are you really going to let me do it?” I asked coldly. “Fuck you in the dark while your friends party down on the beach?”

“They are not my friends.” Her strength surprised me. I half-expected her to break after my cruel words. Calli had changed. We both had. It was a challenge I hadn’t expected—seeing how far I could push her until she broke.

“No, you never did play well with others, did you?” I stroked the side of her neck, dipping my other hand under her skirt, cupping her pussy. I couldn’t resist sliding my thumb against her clit.

“Are you wet for me, sweet pea?”

“Why don’t you find out?” Calli’s brow lifted in a bold display of confidence.

Jesus, this girl.

Who was she?

“You’re different,” I said.

“So are you.”

My brows furrowed. “Oh, you don’t know the half of it.”

“I—” Her words got stuck in her throat as I hooked my fingers into her damp panties and pushed a digit inside her.

“Jesus, Calli.” I nipped her earlobe. “You’re so fucking tight. Didn’t you let anyone else in here?” Why did I care so much?

But when I looked at her and saw the tears kissing her lashes, I knew. “Fuck, you didn’t... No wonder you want it so bad.”

My hand flattened beside her head, caging Calli against the wall. I stared right at

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