On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,13

to roll off their tongues.

It wasn’t anything I hadn’t heard ten times already. Hell, even the guys liked to gossip like little bitches in the locker room, but it didn’t make it any easier to hear.

Finally, I reached the front of the line and ordered. I dropped the change in the tip jar and collected our tray. The second I turned around searching for Vic, my eyes locked on Calli. She was deep in conversation with Josie, the two of them laughing.

But I saw the cracks. The smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. The shadow over her expression. When you knew someone as well as I’d once known Calli, you saw past the mask they wore for the world to see.

“Zach,” Vic said, catching my attention right as Calli looked up.

Our eyes collided and everything slowed down until I could hear the roar of blood between my ears. I narrowed my eyes, scowling, forcing her to look away first.

“Who is that girl?” Vic asked as I sat down. Thankfully, she’d chosen a table near the bookshelves, away from Calli.


“The girl you were just staring at.”

“Oh, uh, you mean Joel’s sister?”

“Josie? I thought she looked familiar.”

I fought the urge to groan. Victoria knew exactly who Josie was, but she liked to think of herself as the Queen Bee of the baller girls: the girlfriends, sisters, and friends-with-benefits. Or, at least, she had until the accident.

Now her position was tenuous at best. Part of me wondered if that’s why she clung to our fragile friendship… because I was on the team. Because my name brought me a certain level of status around campus.

“Who’s her friend?”

I shrugged. “Fucked if I know.”

“Jesus, someone’s got a giant stick up his ass.” Vic settled back in her chair and sipped her latte. I clocked a couple of guys watching her, but it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. Victoria turned heads wherever she went. She was all soft curves, long silky hair, and a heart shaped face worthy of the runway. I’d heard from my brother once that she wanted to be a model. I didn’t know firsthand, because I hadn’t asked.

“I’m going to the facility soon. Your mom asked me to go with her.”

“And you said yes?” Irritation zipped up my spine.

“I know,” she let out a sigh, “but it’s your mom and she got so upset, Zach. I didn’t want to—”

“Yeah, whatever.”

“Come on.” She reached over and grabbed my hand. Her touch wasn’t supposed to comfort me, but I couldn’t deny that her touch always felt good. “Don’t be like that.” Victoria pouted, kicking my leg under the table.

“They just make me so fucking angry.” A black cloud descended over me, making my chest tighten.

“How about we go out tonight to that awful little bar downtown? We can get drunk and make fools of ourselves on karaoke.”

“If I remember correctly, I think it was you making a fool of yourself.”

“You loved it.”

“It was pretty fucking hilarious.” She’d serenaded a bunch of old men and me with an out of tune rendition of Stand By Your Man, it was depressingly fitting.

“Yeah, maybe. Although after last night, I might just hole up at the apartment and chill.”

“I can bring pizza and a six pack, if you want company?” Her eyes glittered with something... something I wasn’t sure I wanted to acknowledge.

She was Declan’s girl, completely off-limits. But Vic made it easy. She made all the background noise disappear. And maybe fucking her would temper some of the rage festering inside me. Declan and my parents had taken so much from me, maybe it was my turn to take something from them.

Something caught my eye.


She and Josie were leaving.

“Zach?” Victoria’s voice yanked me from my thoughts.


“Are you okay, really?” Her expression fell.

“I’m good.”

Because what other choice was there?

When we left Muds, Victoria headed for the gym, and I headed home. But just as I was walking past the Delta Pi frat house, I saw her again.


It was like the universe was determined to fuck with me. I didn’t want to snoop, and I didn’t want to be caught watching Calli and her brother argue, but I couldn’t stop myself. She was all up in his face, wagging her finger and pinning him with a hard look. Callum looked as awkward as fuck, standing there as rigid as a post while his sister chewed him out. But when he finally spoke, Calli cried out. She actually let out a cry of frustration.

And my dick... my dick stirred to life.


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