On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,125

girl I loved more than anything in the entire world.

“What?” she whispered, her eyes twinkling with adoration.

“You, Calli.” I rocked into her without warning, making us both cry out. She gripped my shoulders, shuddering beneath me. Her soft fingers gripped my jaw, bringing my face level with hers.

“You’re going to win, Zach. For Declan. For the team… For you.”

I touched my head against hers, breathing her in, gently sliding in and out of her wet heat.

I wanted it, I wanted it so fucking much. To bring the team victory. To honor my brother the only way I knew how. But no matter what happened this weekend, I’d already won.

I had my girl by my side, and we had our whole lives ahead of us.

Anything else was just the icing on the cake.


“There you are,” Josie hurried over to us the second we stepped into the restaurant Coach and his team had reserved.

“Hey.” I hugged her back. “We, uh... we lost track of time.”

“I bet you did.” She gave me a knowing smile. “Everyone’s already here.”

“Okay, lead the way.”

My best friend led us to the back of the restaurant and into a private dining room, full of the team and their families. Big round tables had been laid out much like a wedding, dressed with red, white, and black balloons.

“It’s fancy,” I whispered to Zach who had an iron grip on my waist.

Callum caught my eye and beckoned us over, while Josie took her seat with Joel and her parents. I noticed she’d chosen a chair which meant she had her back to Brad.

Things had gone south with them after the exhibition game. Five months later, they still couldn’t be in the same room together without things getting prickly. It made our lives interesting, given she was my best friend and Brad was one of Zach’s closest friends.

My father and Callum rose, as did Zach’s dad.

“Sweetheart, you look beautiful.”

“Thanks, Dad.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek. It still felt strange accepting his compliments. In truth, I wasn’t sure I’d ever get used to it. But I was trying.

“Sis, get over here.” Callum pulled me into his arms, and I hugged him back. Things were easier between us, better than they had ever been. And he and Zach had become fast friends. Losing Declan had tethered them, but they had both come out of it stronger.

And my brother had found love. Jessa wasn’t just a beautiful person, she was a beautiful soul.

“You look... shit, Calli. You grew up good.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.” I smiled up at him. “Ready for this weekend?”

“I think so.” He ran a hand through his hair. “But whatever happens, I’m glad you’re here. It feels right.”

“I know exactly what you mean.”

We all took our seats and waited for Coach Baxter to take center stage. Usually, teams celebrated after the tournament, but Coach had wanted to do something special to commemorate Declan.

He stood up and the room ushered into silence.

Zach gripped my hand and my eyes slid to his. “Okay?” I mouthed.

He nodded, emotion glittering in his gaze.

I knew what this weekend meant to him, we all did. But whatever happened, he’d done himself proud. He’d done the team proud.

And whether he’d wanted it or not, he’d done his family proud.

“Last season, I honestly didn’t know if we’d be here again this year. The team took a big hit,” Coach Baxter inhaled a ragged breath. “We were still reeling from Maverick’s accident when we got the news that Declan had... wow,” he let out a long steady breath, “it doesn’t get easier. Declan Messiah was the heart of this team. He stepped up when we lost Maverick and he refused to accept less than our best.” He took a big sip of his drink.

“I think we hoped for a miracle. Deep down, we all hoped to see Declan here for this. He deserved it. God knows, he deserved so much more. But it wasn’t to be. Declan might be gone but he will never be forgotten. His spirit will live on through the young men who move through the ranks of this team. And when we go out there tomorrow, we will play for him. So I’d like to take this opportunity to raise my glass to Declan.”

“Declan.” His name rippled around us, as I tucked myself into Zach’s side. He kissed my hair before giving me a small smile.

Despite everything that had happened, he’d chosen SU. He’d chosen to pursue basketball because it was a

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