On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,121

do. They need you and something tells me you might need them too.”

“I have everything I need right here.” He turned me in his arms, staring down at me with an intensity that made my toes curl. “I need you to know that I choose you, Calli. It will always be you.”

“I know. But it’s okay to want it, Zach. I’ve seen you play. You’re good, you’re so freakin’ good. I want you to follow your dreams.”

“And what about your dreams, huh?”

“I...” My eyes shuttered. I knew what he was getting at, but I wasn’t ready.

“Wait here.” Zach dropped a kiss on my head before striding across his room. He rummaged in the bottom of the closet before grabbing a plain black box and coming back to me. “I’m not interested in chasing my dreams alone.” He handed me the box.

I stared down at it, feeling its weight in my hands.

No… he wouldn’t…

“Go on, open it.” My body trembled as I opened the lid. Tears burned the backs of my eyes as I caught the first glimpse of a brand-new Nikon D780.

“The guy at the shop said it’s top of the range. Honestly, I don’t have a clue, but he promised me—”

“It’s perfect.” But it came with a hefty price tag. “It’s too much,” I blurted out, completely overwhelmed.

“After everything I’ve put you through, it seems like small change to me.” Zach cupped my face, brushing away my tears. “I know you haven’t picked up your camera since your mom passed, but she’d want you to follow your dreams, Calli. She’d want you to live.”

“Okay.” I smiled through my tears. “We’ll chase our dreams... together.”

“Together,” he said.

Zach took the box from me and went to place it on the dresser. When he returned, he curved his hand around the back of my neck and leaned in, ghosting his lips over mine. “Now would be the time to back out, sweet pea.”

“Never,” I breathed. “I’m in, Zach, all in.”

“I was hoping you would say that.” He lifted me up without warning and carried me over to his bed. Lowering me down, he started stripping me out of my clothes, kissing my skin as he went. My fingers slid into his hair, relishing the feel of his slightly stubbled jaw as he worshipped my body.

“You are so fucking beautiful, Calli.” He pushed my t-shirt up my body, tugging me up to pull it over my head. His hand spanned my ribs, as he leaned down and kissed me. Soft and searching gave way to hard and unyielding. Zach devoured me like a man starved, desperate for his next breath. His tongue tangled with mine, long languid licks that made my skin tingle and legs clench.

I helped him out of his t-shirt, trailing my hands over his chest. His skin was warm under my touch, contracting as I explored every ridge and groove. But it wasn’t enough. I wanted to taste him, to run my tongue along the lines of his muscles.

Dipping my head, I flicked my tongue across his nipple.

“Fuck, Calli,” he rasped, on the verge of pain.

Feeling bold, I licked and nipped across his chest, giving his other pec the same attention.

“Keep that up, and this isn’t going to last very long.” A low groan rumbled in his throat when I scraped my nails down his obliques. But it was nothing compared to the sound he made when I pushed my hand into his shorts and circled my fingers around his shaft.

“Jesus...” His breath caught.

“I want to taste you,” I stared up at him, slowly working his shorts off his hips. His dick sprang free, long and hard, the tip glistening with his arousal.

“Take whatever you want.”

“I haven’t... not since...”

“Fuck,” it was a graveled rasp, “really?”

My gaze dipped, embarrassment staining my cheeks.

“Don’t ever shy away from me, Calli.” He gripped my chin. “I’m yours, use me.”

Heat pooled deep in my stomach as I imagined all the things I wanted to do to him. Things I wanted him to do to me. Things we could do together.

Flicking my tongue over the tip, I took him in deep into my mouth.

“Fuck, Calli, that feels... holy shit.” Zach wound his hand into my hair, but he didn’t try to take control. I licked and sucked, gliding my hand up and down in rhythm with my mouth.

“Yeah,” he grunted, “just like that.”

Power surged through me as I felt him begin to unravel. He gently thrust into my mouth never taking more than I was willing

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