The Rebound - Noelle Adams Page 0,16

she giggled stupidly as she followed him in the back door to his house.

It was a nice house. Simple and slightly old-fashioned with wide-planked hardwood floors and a large brick fireplace in the room that obviously functioned as family room and dining room both. He had a leather couch and a leather recliner and a large television wall-mounted above the mantel. There was no art on the wall. No pretty trinkets on the surfaces of the furniture except some framed photos of his daughters on one of the side tables. The large area rug looked so old it could have been his grandparents’.

“That bad?” he asked, wiping his face with his forearm and eyeing her dryly.

“No! I like it. It’s... comfortable. And you keep it clean, which makes a big difference. But you could use a few pretty things around. Just to spruce it up a little. Why don’t you have any pictures on the walls?”

“I kept meaning to add them but never got around to it.” He glanced around the room, idly scratching behind the lab’s ears as he did. “So you’ll have to be the only pretty thing around for now.”

She giggled again, flushing with pleasure at the casual compliment. She didn’t know how he did that—made the nice things he said about her feel sincere but also low pressure, as if he didn’t have a lot invested in them.

It relaxed her even more. He was obviously attracted to her—just as attracted as she was to him—but he was going into this with exactly the same attitude as her.

Which meant she didn’t have to feel guilty or worried about wanting only sex.

Searching for something to say to fill the stretch of silence, she noticed the dog was nuzzling at Ken’s thighs, seeking more attention. The dog was clearly all lab. All enthusiastically lolling tongue, long, gangly legs, and pure joie de vivre. She asked, “What’s your lab’s name?”

“Oh. Sorry. This is Marlowe.” He made a quick hand gesture that caused the lab to snap to attention, sitting up straight and jittering visibly as if he were having to fight to hold back a tidal wave of excitement. “Marlowe, this is Madeline. Say hello to her.”

Marlowe hefted one large paw and panted eagerly.

Laughing, Madeline shook the dog’s paw and then stroked the soft head, which sent him into ecstatic spasms.

“He’s not quite two,” Ken added. “He still sometimes has a hard time remembering his manners. If you give him much more attention, you’ll get a face full of tongue.”

Still laughing, Madeline straightened up. “He’s a very good boy.”

Marlowe clearly understood that comment and did several twirls of delight.

Ken’s expression changed when he looked back toward her. He was very sexy at the moment—hot and rugged in his dirt and sweat. “So did you want to... do this now? Or...”

“Now is good with me.” The truth was she was having a hard time holding herself back, now that the distraction from the dog was over.

“I assume you want me to take a quick shower first.” He glanced down at himself. “I’m kind of a mess.”

For just a moment she was tempted. Maybe sex with him all sweaty wouldn’t be too unpleasant. But a sudden flare of nerves made the slight delay even more tempting. “That’s probably a good idea. Just don’t take too long.”

His eyes heated up without warning. “I’ll be quick. Just make yourself at home for a minute.”

Before she had time to say anything else, he was striding down the hallway and into what was clearly the master bedroom. The house appeared to be three bedrooms. All on one level. The one at the end of the hall was the master.

Not sure what else to do, Madeline wandered through the house, looking around at each room with Marlowe at her heels, ready to help or protect or kiss at a moment’s notice. The kitchen had old, flat-front cabinets and butcher-block countertops. There were a few dishes in the sink, and he’d left the coffee out this morning, but overall it was fairly clean.

There was a small living room at the front of the house that was barely furnished. He clearly never used it. The hall bathroom hadn’t been redone anytime in the past twenty years. And the two smaller bedrooms were set up for his girls in pinks and lavenders with a lot of dolls and stuffed animals around.

She’d just reached the master bedroom when Ken came out of a doorway in the corner. It must be a Copyright 2016 - 2024