The Rebel Queen (Outlaw #1) - Lexi Blake Page 0,64

and he’s a general,” Danny pointed out, but there was a hint of a grin on his face.

Dev lifted the new tie over Danny’s neck and started to knot it with an expert hand. “And you’re a king and must look the part.”

“With the wolves, shouldn’t that mean I show up with fangs and claws out, covered in blood?” Danny asked.

I liked wolf society. It was way more laid back than Vampire, but even I knew better than to argue with Dev when it came to presenting an image.

Dev finished knotting the tie, and this time it lay perfectly against Danny’s shirt. And brought out the blue in his eyes. “I think we want them to see you as a charming, reasonable alternative to Myrddin, not remind them you’re a vicious predator who can sometimes take over their wills and force them to do your bidding.” He sighed as he looked Danny over. “That will have to do.”

Danny’s eyes rolled but he brushed his lips over Dev’s. “I long for the time you can dress me properly again.”

Dev kissed him back, lingering long enough to make me wonder how much time we had. Then both men were turning my way, Dev’s eyes on me. “Now what is this I hear about Zoey wanting to take my place? I don’t think that’s a good idea. I need to get a lay of the land, and we don’t have a proper dress for her.”

I laid back on the bed so they didn’t see how hard my eyes rolled. “I wasn’t saying I wanted to go. I’m fine here. I was worried about you going at all, but I can see you have it all planned out.”

I was worried that they were enjoying this, that they kind of missed that time when we were on the run, having to play the game from behind. For the most part the last decade of our lives had been as quiet as they could be when one ruled over a supernatural world.

Dev had moved to the side of the bed, staring down at me. “My goddess, are you feeling all right? I know this has been a shock for us all, but I worry about you. Maybe we should sit down and talk about whether we should pursue this course.”

I stared up at him. “Do we have a choice?”

“There’s always some kind of choice,” Dev allowed.

“Not if we want to stay on the Earth plane, there’s not.” Danny sat on the edge of the bed, his hand going to my leg. “And the kids have made it plain that they believe this is their fight. We’ll have a hard time persuading them if we decide to run.”

“Run where?” Dev asked. “I don’t think we can safely go back to the Faery planes connected here. Not with all of our children. Back to the outer planes? I suppose we could try to find our way back to Summer and Marcus’s kingdom.”

“We don’t know what closing off the Heaven plane will do to the outer planes,” Danny pointed out. “It could upset some balance we don’t understand.”

“But Summer might,” Dev countered. “I know she’s still learning, but she’s had years to get her power under control. She might be able to help us.”

“Or we could try to open a wormhole and get back to our timeline,” I said quietly.

The silence that followed weighed on me. I could feel them trying to figure out how to handle me.

“Is this what you were talking to Alexander about?” Dev asked.

I’d been thinking about my talks with Alexander and Lily all night long and all of this morning. I’d come to one conclusion. “Yes. I think we lost those twelve years when we came through the painting again. It would explain how the sonic weapons went dead.”

Dev seemed to consider that. “Yes, that would be a reasonable explanation. They were both fully charged when we went through.”

“Okay,” Danny allowed. “Let’s say we did lose them when we walked back into the painting. It would have been a good final strategy for Myrddin. I don’t see how that changes anything.”

“If it was a wormhole we walked through, and we lost time there, we could potentially reverse the effect,” I explained.

Dev was quiet for a moment. “Did Alexander know anything useful?”

So he’d heard more than I thought he had. “He seems to think even if I can manage to add the time component to a wormhole spell, it won’t change this timeline. It will Copyright 2016 - 2024