The Rebel Queen (Outlaw #1) - Lexi Blake Page 0,143

She should be up in the lobby right now. The human security company who works for Dev’s legitimate businesses is providing us with an escort so things look good.”

“You put the tunnel under our human security team’s building?” I asked, shocked at his audacity.

Neil shrugged. “They’re willing to do some pretty crazy stuff for their clients, and Neiman Marcus is a block over. I thought it would be a good shortcut for us when it was done. Freaking Myrddin screws up everything. I thought I would have a shortcut to designer wear. Instead, I’ve got a shortcut to an Icelandic bookstore that smells like patchouli and smoked fish. Call me when you’re out.”

“It could be an hour or two,” Lee said. “We’re going to be careful about this. I promised the dads I wouldn’t get Mom murdered.”

It was good they all had faith in my skills. “You know I pulled off the first part of this job about two weeks ago in my time. And my partner was eleven, so I think we’ll be okay.”

“You better be, Z. I’ll meet you back here in a couple of hours. If something goes wrong, I’ll text you, though I know you won’t get it until you get back to the tunnel,” Neil promised. “Be careful when you come out. Our intelligence puts all of Dev’s old playthings in the basement. Myrddin doesn’t like human weapons, so he shoved the whole armory there and hasn’t looked at it since.”

Lee’s eye lit with excitement. “Oh, I will be stealing some fun shit on my way out then.”

Neil nodded and then closed the door behind us, and I was left alone with my son. Rhys had offered to come along, but I’d wanted to keep the group as tight as I could. So I’d convinced him Shy needed him. She was still working through losing Harry.

The last time I’d seen them, Rhys had been holding her hand, so it looked like my dad’s plan was working.

Rhys was safe in Iceland. Evan had promised me she was securely in the primal nest.

I just had to make sure this son of mine survived.

“You have a gun. Two, I believe, and I don’t want to know how many knives you have on you.” I had a pistol on me and my kit. I probably wouldn’t need it because I also had a key to Sarah’s apartment.

“I have four knives. And yeah, we’ve got plenty of guns, but C-4’s been hard to come by,” my son admitted as he started down the tunnel. “And I think we left a metric shit ton here. I would get brownie points with Sasha if I brought him back some.”

I followed behind him. It wasn’t that I minded if Lee wanted to steal a little something extra, but I wanted this to go as easy as it could. “That C-4’s been down here for years. How do we know it’s even good?”

“We know because Sasha taught us whole lessons on weapons and how to use them. C-4’s a stable explosive. It’s easy to transport, and with the right amount you can take down a whole building easy-peasy. Papa always bought the good stuff. If there’s C-4 in the basement, it’s still good. I promise I’ll only take some if we’re not busting ass to get out of there.”

My son’s education wasn’t what I’d planned, but it seemed like Sasha and Trent had done their best to prepare them for the world they lived in rather than the one I’d wanted for them. But then I’d probably been naïve about that in the first place. “Papa had some P-90s delivered a couple of weeks…well, twelve years ago. He hadn’t had a chance to use them yet. I’ll grab one or two of those if I can. I didn’t ask you earlier, but how do you think Dean is handling the whole I have to kill my dad thing?”

One big shoulder shrugged. “He told me JT Malone is his dad. Did you know there’s a JT Malone here on the Earth plane? He’s like a billionaire oil guy. I showed Dean a picture of him on the Internet. He said that dude looked exactly like his dad, but on the Vampire plane he’s married to Dean’s mom and here it’s some woman named Nina. I feel bad because according to what we were able to look up, they still don’t know what happened to Dean’s mom. Though apparently there are a couple of true crime Copyright 2016 - 2024