The Rebel King (All the King's Men Duet #2) - Kennedy Ryan Page 0,58

to kick and scream on the floor, but I can’t. He cancelled Germany for me, and in Tomales Bay, he implied that he was willing to follow me all the time. I can’t have that. He has too much to do.

So, with a grin, I say something that will keep him where he needs to be. “Same.”



“Maybe we should’ve left out that part about jobs,” I say, and try to soundlessly slurp the French onion soup from my spoon. “Employment numbers came out today, and jobs are up. Score one for the other side.”

“They haven’t been up,” Millicent whispers back. “Everybody knows employment has been trending down. Today’s report was an outlier, so I think it’s okay.” She frowns at her own soup. “French onion? Really? The menu at this fundraiser is just sad.” She touches her dinner roll with one contemptuous finger. “Hard as a rock.”

“Yeah,” I reply distractedly.

“And this lettuce is wilted. I mean, iceberg? Kale, at least.”

“Millie, uh, trying to listen to Owen here.”

“Sorry.” Her grin is almost girlish. “I’ve heard this speech a dozen times so I know it by heart. He’s been rehearsing it since he woke up.”

“If it goes over well, he knows we’ll re-use it about a hundred times in some form or fashion between now and November.”

“I know it’s tempting to dwell on the past,” Owen says from the stage, looking handsome in his tuxedo, that one rebellious lock of blond hair breaking from the rest, just like his brother’s.

“But we still have the future,” Millie whispers along with him to finish the line, winking at me. “And we still have each other.”

I grin at her and discreetly pull my phone from my evening clutch to make a note of things I need to address with Owen later on the ride home. A message notification grabs my attention before I can start the note.

KING: You look beautiful tonight.

I changed his contact name to King just to be safe. I shift the phone under the tablecloth to keep my reply discreet.

Me: You have no idea how I look.

KING: That so?

He sends over a picture of me standing with Owen at the bar talking to a Baltimore businessman who consistently supports the campaign. My hair is in a chignon and my red evening dress looks like it was poured onto me. The red matte lipstick stretches with my smile.

Me: How’d you get this? Spies? We agreed no security. Bad enough you gave me jewelry to transmit my every move.

KING: Not security. My sister-in-law.

I turn to scold Millie, but now she’s tuned in to the speech, and watches her husband, the look in her eyes titrated with respect and adoration. I’ll tease her about the pic later.

KING: I’m done here in Palo Alto earlier than expected. I’m already on the flight and on my way home to you.

My heart starts triple timing to a raunchy little tune. We’ll be home in an hour and I can actually sleep in Maxim’s arms tonight.

Me: Oh! Make sure to use the rear entrance.

I’ve cracked down on the discretion. Us being seen in the same general area could be easily explained, but some snoop snapping photos of him coming and going regularly from my apartment building would be a problem, especially after this goodwill media tour raised his profile even that much more. He wasn’t happy about the new “rear entry” policy, but at least it’s led to some good anal jokes.

KING: As long as I get that “back door” access we discussed at some point.

Me: Um . . . it’s up for negotiation. So what changed? I thought you were there till next week.

KING: I asked Jin Lei to expedite meetings so I could take advantage of you being in D.C. for a few days.

Me: Lawd! She probably thinks I’m going to ruin your business.

KING: She probably thinks your pussy is lined with gold.

Me: OMG! I cannot believe you just said that.

KING: She’s not wrong . . .

I’m still not sure if I want to slap him or hump him after that last comment, but there’s no time to reply because everyone stands and applauds as Owen leaves the stage.

“Let’s get out of here as soon as possible,” Millie says from the corner of her mouth. “O’s got his car, so we don’t have to wait.”

Owen is notoriously accessible, always taking “one last” selfie or answering one more question. Millicent and I rode here together since Owen came straight from a committee meeting and met us here.

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