The Rebel King (All the King's Men Duet #2) - Kennedy Ryan Page 0,27

he has convictions. Principles. Goals for the world, no less, and he understands there has to be some intersection with politics to accomplish them, but he’s not into politics. I think that’s partly why we work.”

“The two of you also work because he wouldn’t settle for you not working. When you resisted, he kept coming. That’s a man always looking for the next mountain to climb.”

“I have my own mountains,” I say, pushing around what’s left of my pancakes. “He knows that.”

We share a look, and there’s some knowledge in Mena’s eyes that I don’t want to ask about. After breakfast, we clear the dining room table and head into the kitchen. Mena leans against the counter and watches me load the dishwasher.

“What?” I ask, glancing up from a row of plates in the rack. “You have that I’ve got something on my chest look.”

Mena smiles and nods. “I was thinking of what you said earlier about incorporating some of the old practices into your recovery.”

“Yeah?” I close the dishwasher door and lean beside her against the counter. “And?”

“I do think incorporating some of the ancient practices in your healing process is wise. If running makes you feel connected, do that. Smudging can be incredibly powerful, too.”

I can’t remember the last time I engaged in the practice of smudging. Growing up, Mama’s house always smelled of sage and the sacred smoke drifted through every room.

“I’ll bring some things over for you to use,” Mena says, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. “I’ll give you the tools, but you have to do the work.”

At every juncture, she’s there, stepping into so many gaps. I believe Mama sees us and is grateful for how Mena has guided me time and time again. “Thank you for always being there for me, Auntie,” I say with watery eyes.

“Oh, honey, I always will.”



Laughter reaches me even before I step off the elevator to Lennix’s apartment.

So much for another night alone with my girl. I hadn’t planned to be away all day, but we’re at a critical stage in several deals. Jin Lei reminded me, not too gently, about several things that needed my immediate attention. Lennix texted to say her friends were coming over. I don’t begrudge them time with her. They almost lost her, too, and no doubt need to feel assured she’s okay the same way I do, but damn if I didn’t want time alone.

When she mentioned Owen announcing soon it reminded me that the pace of our lives doesn’t leave much time for each other. In addition to my business interests, I’ll be on the campaign trail for O. With Nix running the campaign, I don’t foresee us slowing down to enjoy each other anytime soon.

I blow out a long breath and step into the hall.

“Everything good?” I ask the plain-suit security guy positioned near the door.

“Yes, sir.”

“Did she go out today?” I ask, frowning.

“No, sir. Mrs. Nighthorse ended up visiting most of the day.” He nods toward the apartment. “Ms. Hunter didn’t leave her apartment.”

“Good. The entire team knows if she leaves—”

“To trail her, yes, sir.”

Lennix’s response to just the thought of a security detail let me know she won’t be thrilled about the geotracker in her bracelet. She knows Grim found her, and probably assumes he used his resources to track them down. We haven’t gotten into details, but I thought we’d discuss that tonight. Laughter and the sound of glasses clinking tells me there may not be much time to bring it up. I have to admit putting that argument off is no hardship.

When I use the key Lennix gave me to enter the apartment, everyone turns to look at me. Bottles of wine seem to be on every flat surface, and plates loaded with something that smells delicious. Kimba and Vivienne stretch out on the couch. Wallace and Lennix sit on the floor with their backs against the love seat.

My blood boils a little at the sight of Wallace Murrow. It’s not jealousy. I’m secure in Lennix’s feelings for me. No, that idiot promised he’d keep Lennix safe on that service trip and she ended up almost dead. Though it technically wasn’t his fault, on some level, right or wrong, I blame him for entangling Lennix in the drama with his experimental vaccine.

“Maxim!” Kimba says, and crosses the room to hug me. “The man of the hour.”

“I am?” I return her squeeze and grin. She has quickly become one of my favorite people. “How so?”

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