The Rebel King (All the King's Men Duet #2) - Kennedy Ryan Page 0,10

course. Thank you for the, uh . . . plane.”

His uncertain smile reminds me I’m not the guy most girls bring home. In some ways, there’s less mystery because he feels he already knows me, but most of what he’s heard is probably bullshit so he knows less than he thinks he does. It will take time to sort the truth of who I am from the gossip and speculation. And right now, time is one thing we don’t have.

“Glad you made it,” I tell Mr. Hunter, splitting a glance between him and Kimba. “Grim’s about to speak with Abe.”

“Abe?” Kimba’s dark brows crinkle.

“What else should I call him? Coward, maybe? Hiding behind that mask.”

Grim walks over to shake hands with Mr. Hunter and Kimba.

“We’re expecting the call in the next minute or so.” Grim gestures to a table in the middle of my office. “You’ll hear us on speaker, but I’ll use the handset so he’s only actually speaking to me. We’ll also be recording the conversation to review it later in case he gives anything away about their location or any other pertinent details.”

“So there’s no lead on where they might be?” Anxiety spikes Mr. Hunter’s voice.

Grim and I exchange a look, silently asking each other how much we should divulge. Hell, if Nix was my daughter, I’d want to know it all.

“We’re working on a lead,” I say. “I, um, gave Nix a bracelet before she left.”

“I saw it,” Kimba says with a smile. “It was beautiful.”

“There’s a tracking device in it,” I say, refusing to look away when her eyes widen then narrow.

“Does she know?” Kimba’s tone turns starchy.

“No, I hadn’t activated it. I wanted to discuss it with her before I took that step.”

“Considerate of you,” she drawls.

“It’s standard practice for the significant others, wives, and girlfriends of men like Maxim to wear such devices,” Grim says absently, not looking at us, but checking the telecommunications set-up.

“Girlfriend?” Mr. Hunter asks, brows lifted.

“Oh.” Grim glances up, and looks between Mr. Hunter and me. He shrugs. “Sorry.”

Thanks for that, Grim.

“Here we go.” Grim presses a button, which switches on a green light, and he picks up the phone. “Hello.”

“Well, hello,” the caller says. I recognize the taunting voice. “I heard you want to discuss my little squaw.”

I nearly lunge at the phone. This motherfucker.

I bite into my frustration, let it burst in my mouth like a bitter pill. My hands curl into fists in my pockets. I think I’m doing a decent job disguising my anger until I look up to find Mr. Hunter watching me, glancing from my tight jaw to the bunched fists I’m hiding. An answering outrage flashes in his eyes, and we just nod to each other in recognition. Losing our tempers won’t help Lennix.

“Yes, I’m authorized to negotiate Lennix Hunter’s freedom,” Grim says, his tone brisk, professional.

“Freedom?” Abe’s laugh echoes harshly in my office. “Who said anything about freedom? I entertained this call to let the arrogant prick who thinks he can buy his way into my good graces know that he can’t.”

“It’s in your best interest to—”

“Don’t presume to know my interests,” Abe snaps, any traces of faux pleasantness vacating his voice. “You can let the man hiding behind his purse and his mouthpiece know I cannot be bought out of my convictions.”

“Convictions?” I spit, fury and indignation torpedoing the word from my mouth.

Grim arrows a glare at me and presses a finger to his lips. “Look, there must be something you need or want that we could—”

“My vaccine.” A loaded silence follows his words. “Can you get me that?”

“CamTech is handling that aspect of the negotiations in connection with Doctor Murrow.”

“You’re confused. CamTech is handling all the negotiations because they are the only ones who have what I want, and if they don’t give me the vaccine in . . . oh, tick tock, forty-two hours now, then I will put a bullet in her head.”

I speed to the table, jerk the phone from Grim, and strangle it in a tight hold.

“Listen to me,” I grit out. “Name a price. There must be something you want.”

“Oh ho ho,” Abe chuckles. “You must be the man behind the curtain. I guess you’re old moneybags, huh? To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?”

“Tell me your name and I’ll tell you mine,” I say, swiping at Grim when he tries to take the phone from me.

“That’s not how the game works.”

“This isn’t a game. It’s someone’s life.”

“It’s someone’s life, he says.” Copyright 2016 - 2024