Rebel Bitten - Lexi C. Foss Page 0,33

He definitely looked the part of a royal now with his regal stance, ageless face, and confident gaze. Damien stood beside him, hands in his pockets, tie immaculate, and glanced sideways at his royal friend.

“Ready to make some heads roll?” he asked.

“I intend to do a lot more than that,” Ryder replied, pressing his palm to my lower back. “Remember what I said, Willow. Stay by my side.”

“Yes, My Prince,” I told him, the formal address sounding wrong to my ears. However, there were others present now, thus requiring my submission. And while it should have come to me naturally, it didn’t.

Ryder stroked his thumb along my exposed spine, my blue gown lacking a back. It was a small touch, but one that seemed to radiate protection. I found myself wanting to believe in that unspoken promise, to rely on him for my safety.

My lips threatened to curl down at the notion, my mind rebelling against the concept of trusting anyone other than myself. His kindness—if it could be called that—was temporary. It had to be. He’d show his true self soon enough.

Shoving my thoughts from my head, I focused on our surroundings, curious. The university had been located near a desert, the heat unbearable and dry and very unlike the humidity kissing my skin now.

A variety of greenery decorated the grounds, flowers of tropical shades framing the entrance to the building. I wanted to touch the fuchsia leaves and lean down to smell the aromatic perfume of the purple petals. However, I kept my hands to myself and followed Ryder’s lead as he escorted me past the alluring landscaping to a set of doors that opened automatically to allow us entry.

Damien followed right behind us, his lethal presence a threat against my back.

I shivered as the cold air hit me across the face, the atmosphere starkly different from the balmy weather outside. Ryder propelled me forward, his steps certain as he entered the reception area with a royal flair.

Two vampires stood behind a desk, their attention on a set of screens, not us. I lowered my gaze to the marble floor in a necessary show of subservience while moving alongside Ryder. When we reached the two females, he cleared his throat.

An audible gasp sounded from one as the other stammered out an “Oh, Your Highness. I-I’m s-sorry. We weren’t ex-expecting you.”

“I didn’t realize I needed to be expected,” Ryder replied. “Were we supposed to call ahead, Damien?”

“No. It’s your territory. You move through it as you see fit,” Damien drawled as he stepped up to my opposite side, his arm brushing mine. “But I have it on good authority that the guest suite upstairs has already been prepared for your arrival. I believe Benita was handling the arrangements.”

“I did.” The feminine voice came from behind us, followed by a series of clicks that echoed through the lobby.

Ryder turned, pulling me with him. “Ah, Benita, darling. It’s been a few decades.”

“Yes, My Prince.” Her long, bare legs came into my view, her heels a deep red that contrasted against the white flooring. Ryder reached for her, embracing her with a kiss that sent heat crawling up my neck. It was just a peck to her cheek, but their easy camaraderie painted a history that made my stomach clench.

Why do I care? I’m just his pet. Nothing more.

What I needed to do was allow this to be a reminder of my place. He had an entire harem waiting for him, at least from what I understood. Why would I be anything more than a quick bite to him?

This was the reason I considered his behavior to be dangerous. It encouraged false expectations underlined in naive hope.

“I’ve arranged one of Silvano’s former guest suites for you. His penthouse still requires renovation, as do the harem quarters and anything else you’d like changed.” Benita didn’t back away from him, instead allowing her dark red nails to trail up his sternum.

His palm branded my lower back, holding me beside him as if I were an ornament. Which, I supposed, I resembled in this translucent gown.

“I see you brought a snack with you,” Benita mused.

“My pet,” Ryder corrected her, his thumb drawing a circle against my skin. I didn’t understand what it meant or why he did it.

“I see.” Benita cleared her throat and removed her hand from his chest. “Well, we have several options tonight for dining, if you’re hungry. Otherwise, I can show you up to your suite. Which do you prefer, Your Copyright 2016 - 2024