A Reasonable Doubt (Robin Lockwood #3) - Phillip Margolin Page 0,77

know a thing about it.”

“If that’s your position, we’re going to have to take you to the police station to continue our talk.”

“You can’t do that! I’ll lose my job.”

Ragland leaned across the table and stared into Rodriguez’s eyes. “Where did the money come from, Maria? You’re going to tell us eventually. Tell us now, and we can cut a deal. Stonewall us, and you’ll be waitressing in the cafeteria of the women’s penitentiary.”


Nancy Porter was living in Renee Chambers’s two-story duplex on the outskirts of Multnomah Village, a quaint area of Portland with a bookstore, restaurants, art galleries, and local shops. She looked wary when she answered the door. Her glossy red hair was tied back in a ponytail, and she was dressed in jeans and a powder blue man-tailored shirt. Unlike Maria Rodriguez, Porter was very attractive even though she wore very little makeup and was not dressed in her showgirl costume.

“I’m Robin Lockwood, the lawyer who’s representing David Turner, and this is Jeff Hodges, my investigator. We were wondering if you have some time to talk to us.”

“Can I talk to you without getting the permission of the district attorney?”

“Sure,” Robin answered with a smile. “Both sides are supposed to talk to the witnesses before the trial to make sure we know all the facts. A lot of times the DA dismisses a case if we can convince him he’s got the wrong man, and we try to convince our clients to plead guilty if we think they’ll be convicted if we go to trial.”

Porter hesitated. Then she asked Robin and Jeff into the living room, which was neat and clean and furnished with inexpensive furniture. Porter sat down on a comfortable easy chair, but Robin could see that she wasn’t comfortable. The magician’s assistant’s hands were clasped in her lap, and her shoulders were hunched from tension.

“How are you doing?” Robin said.

“I haven’t slept well since … what happened. I have nightmares.”

“That’s understandable.” Jeff pointed at his scars. “I used to be a cop. We raided a house where they were cooking meth, and there was an explosion. I still have the nightmares on occasion, and that was years ago. But it does get better.”

“Thanks for telling me that.”

“Fortunately, most people don’t have the type of harrowing experience you went through,” Jeff continued. “When I do meet someone who has, I like to tell them that there is light at the end of the tunnel.”

Porter smiled and the tension in her shoulders eased.

“So, I understand that you’re house-sitting for Renee Chambers,” Robin said to change the subject to something lighter.

Porter nodded. “Renee asked if I’d fill in for her when her mom got sick. She said I could use this place so I wouldn’t have to pay rent. But you aren’t here to discuss my living arrangements. What do you want to know?”

“Anything that can help us figure out if David is guilty or innocent,” Robin said. “For instance, how would someone know that you use an inhaler for your asthma?”

“I guess everyone knew. I mean, it wasn’t a secret. I don’t use it a lot, but I used it once or twice when we were rehearsing, so the stagehands, Mr. Chesterfield, anyone who was backstage, would have seen it.”

“Did you ever see David in the theater during rehearsals? Was he ever near your dressing room?”

“I heard he snuck into a rehearsal, but I never saw him in the theater.”

“How did you get along with everyone?”

“Okay, I guess. I mean, I never had an argument, and no one was mean to me.”

“What about Maria Rodriguez and Sheila Monroe? Did they get along with everyone?” Jeff asked.

“Sheila wasn’t around much. She’s in school and has a boyfriend. She came on time for rehearsals and she studied during breaks. Then she left as soon as the rehearsal finished.”

“And Maria?”

Porter looked uncomfortable again. “I don’t like to say anything mean.”

“This will stay between us, unless it affects our client’s case.”

“Maria could be difficult, and … Well, there was nothing I could testify to. It’s just a feeling. But I don’t think she liked Mr. Chesterfield.”

“Why do you say that?” Jeff asked.

“It was nothing she said, but I saw her looking at Mr. Chesterfield on more than one occasion, and I thought she looked angry.” Porter shrugged. “That’s all. I may have misinterpreted what she was doing.”

“When you were drugged with the ether, did you see who did it or did you see the hand holding the cloth?” Robin

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