A Reasonable Doubt (Robin Lockwood #3) - Phillip Margolin Page 0,62

have been killed is when the assistant pushed him back into the coffin. Did you notice that there were three assistants on the stage when Chesterfield was pushed into the coffin, but only two on the stage when the coffin was opened and they discovered he’d been murdered?”

“So, you think the missing assistant killed Chesterfield?” asked Jeff.

“It looks that way,” Regina said. Then she smiled, pleased that her brain was still working the way it used to, at least for a little while.

“I saw Peter Ragland run onto the stage. It looked like he was taking charge. I wonder if he picked up on that,” Robin said.

“Who’s Peter Ragland?” Regina asked.

Robin’s heart sank. “He’s a deputy district attorney. He was in the theater during the performance. Maybe he’s a fan of magic.”

* * *

“That was more excitement than I expected,” Jeff said when they were in his pickup, headed back to their apartment.

Robin smiled. “It was great seeing the old Regina in action. The murder sure got her blood racing. She seemed more alive than I’ve seen her in a while.”

“She did seem like her old self until she asked about Ragland,” Jeff said.

Robin stopped smiling.

“In the good old days, before the Alzheimer’s got her, she’d have figured out whodunit,” Jeff said. “Then she’d have worked out a way to get the killer a not guilty verdict.”

“I wonder if she’d have been able to figure out how Chesterfield escapes from the sarcophagus,” Robin said. “I’d love to know how the trick works.”

“No, you wouldn’t,” Jeff said. “It would spoil the fun.”

Jeff parked, and the couple walked up to their apartment. When they got inside, Robin started to turn on the light, but Jeff moved between her and the switch and took her in his arms.

“What do you say we leave the lights off?” he asked before planting a gentle kiss on Robin’s lips.

“I think that’s a very good idea,” Robin said just as her cell phone rang.

“Don’t answer that.”

“No one would be calling at this hour unless it was an emergency.” Robin stepped back and took her phone out of her pocket.

Jeff sighed and turned on the lights.

“That’s odd,” she said when she saw who was calling. “Ms. Madison?”

“They arrested David. They’re saying he murdered Bobby. He’s at the jail. Can you help him?”

“You know I used to represent your husband?”

“I know, but you’re the only criminal defense attorney I could think of. Can you see David now?”

“I can definitely set up a visit. Are you sure you don’t want the name of another lawyer?”

“I know your reputation. David needs the best.”

“Okay. I’ll get there right away. We can talk about who should represent Mr. Turner later. Meet me in the reception area at the jail.”

“Thank you for acting so quickly.”

“Quick is important in a situation like this. Mr. Turner will be very upset, and he won’t be thinking straight. There’s no telling what he might say quite innocently that will come back to haunt him.”


“Good evening, Mr. Turner,” Robin said as soon as she walked into the contact visiting room. “My name is Robin Lockwood. I’m an attorney, and Claire Madison asked me to help you.”

Turner stared at Robin for a moment. Then he snapped his fingers. “I know where I’ve seen you before. Didn’t Chesterfield call you up onstage during the rehearsal at the coast to check out the sarcophagus?”

“You’ve got a good memory.”

“You’re Chesterfield’s attorney!”

“I was, but I terminated our relationship, and now he’s dead. I reminded Ms. Madison that I used to represent her husband, but she wanted me to see you anyway. If you feel uncomfortable with me, you can hire someone else.”

“I’ve never been in a situation like this, and I need good advice now—so let’s talk, and I can make a decision later.”

“Do you know why you were arrested?” Robin asked.

“Probably because I got scared and lied.”

“About what?”

“If you were at the rehearsal at the coast, you know why I hated Chesterfield.”

“He revealed the secret of your finale on his TV show.”

“The effect was devastating. Attendance dropped, and the casino was going to fire me. I saved myself by working a new illusion into the act, but Chesterfield almost killed my career. And that’s why I was at the theater. I wanted to figure out the Chamber of Death and re-create it on the internet for revenge.

“The week before, I tried to get in the stage door to see a rehearsal. When that didn’t work, I snuck in through the loading dock,

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