A Reasonable Doubt (Robin Lockwood #3) - Phillip Margolin Page 0,54

into a crime scene. We did keep most of the audience inside. We called for backup right away, and I have officers guarding the exits.”

“You did a great job, considering the circumstances,” Dillon said.

Robinson shook her head. “I got to tell you, the natives are restless. I’ve had more than one person ask me for my name and badge number and tell me how well they know the mayor.”

“Don’t sweat that,” Anders said. “We’ll back you up if anyone complains.”

“What do you want us to do now?” Robinson asked.

“I want everyone who was seated near the stage interviewed,” Dillon said. “You can let the people at the back of the theater out after getting names, addresses, and phone numbers, but keep anyone here who noticed anything strange.”

“Who’s taken charge?” Anders asked.

“Peter Ragland.”

“What’s he doing here?” Dillon asked with obvious surprise.

“He’s the DA who came with us.”

“Where is he?”

“On the stage with the ME, talking to Dobson and Norman Chow, the theater manager. Oh, and there’s a lawyer named Robin Lockwood who wanted to talk to a homicide detective. She says she has information that might be helpful.”

“Where is she?” Anders asked.

“Down by the front, near the stage.”

“Thanks, Tamara. Why don’t you get started on the interviews.” As soon as Robinson walked away, Anders turned to her partner. “Why the reaction when Robinson mentioned Peter Ragland?”

“I was promoted to Homicide twenty-odd years ago. In my first murder case, Peter Ragland prosecuted Robert Chesterfield for a double homicide. Chesterfield hired Regina Barrister. All the charges had to be dismissed after Barrister got Ragland’s evidence thrown out before trial. Those cases solidified Barrister’s reputation as a legal whiz and destroyed Ragland’s career.”

“Do you think Ragland asked for the theft case so he could get a little revenge?” Anders asked.

“I wouldn’t put it past him,” Dillon replied.

“Why don’t you make sure Ragland doesn’t mess up this case while I talk to Lockwood.”

When Dillon left the lobby, Anders followed him into the theater.

Anders spotted Robin and waved her onto the stage so they could have privacy.

“Hi, Robin,” Anders said as soon as they were standing behind one of the curtains. “I didn’t know you were a fan of magic.”

“I am, but that’s only one reason why I’m here. Robert Chesterfield was a client. A few years ago, he asked me to patent the Chamber of Death. That never happened, but he did invite Jeff and me to see a dress rehearsal at his mansion on the coast. You know about his disappearing act, right?”

Anders nodded.

“I was there when it happened.”

“Is that what you wanted to tell me?” Anders asked.

“No. I have no idea how Chesterfield was murdered or who killed him, but I wanted you to know that there are several people in the audience who had it in for him.”

“Such as?”

Robin pointed at Rafael and Marco. “Those men work for Augustine Montenegro, a Las Vegas casino owner. Chesterfield had gambling debts. A short time ago, Montenegro sent those men to collect. They attacked Chesterfield in an alley behind a tavern. Chesterfield fought them off and stabbed Rafael.”

“How do you know this?”

“I saw it happen. Chesterfield asked me to meet him at the tavern to discuss a legal matter. After we were through, Chesterfield left by the back door. I left the same way a few minutes later and saw Rafael and Marco threatening Chesterfield. I told them I was calling 911. When Rafael turned toward me, Chesterfield stabbed him. A week later, they threatened me in the park across from the jail.”

“Did you report any of this?”


Anders knew Robin well, so she didn’t ask why. Instead she said, “You mentioned that there are several people in the audience who didn’t like Chesterfield. Who are the others?”

Robin pointed out David Turner and Claire Madison. “Claire is married to Chesterfield and she’s very wealthy. Turner has been her lover for years. I read that Chesterfield has filed for a divorce. The main issue is Claire’s money and how much of it he can get.

“Turner is a famous magician. He has a show at a Las Vegas casino that he used to close with a mystifying illusion. A few years ago, there was a TV show with a masked magician who called himself Mysterioso and revealed the secrets behind magic tricks. It turns out that Chesterfield was Mysterioso, and he told the world how Turner did his biggest trick because Turner was sleeping with his wife. That crippled Turner’s act and hampered his career.

“Then there are those

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