A Reasonable Doubt (Robin Lockwood #3) - Phillip Margolin Page 0,23

inside. Her dress was as drab as her coat.

“How is Bobby doing?” Dowd asked.

“Remarkably well for someone facing the most serious charges the State can bring.”

Dowd smiled. “That’s Bobby. He’s always so cheerful. When can I see him?”

“Right away. You won’t be able to be in the same room with him. They have noncontact rooms where you can talk on a phone through shatterproof glass.”

“But I’m his wife.”

“It’s the best I could do. Very few people other than a defendant’s lawyer can have a contact visit.”

“I shall talk to John about this. It’s ridiculous.”


“The governor. I’ll call him later today and straighten this out.”

Regina didn’t know what to say to that, so she changed the subject. “I’ll take you to Reception and set up the meeting. Then I’ll wait for you so you can have privacy when you visit. We can go back to my office when you’re finished.”

“That’s very nice of you,” Dowd said.

Regina smiled and walked Lily Dowd into the jail reception area.

* * *

“How are you holding up?” Robert Chesterfield asked his wife.

“Oh, Bobby, look at you.”

“Now, don’t you worry. I’m just fine. I can’t say much for the cuisine, and the accommodations don’t match up to the Ritz, but I’m being treated quite well.”

“I met Miss Barrister. Do you think she can help you?”

“She has an excellent reputation. I have confidence in her. I think it would be in our best interest to hire her.”

“Then I’ll do that, right away.”

“Thank you, dear.”

“Can she get you out of here quickly?”

“Probably not. She was very clear that it’s difficult to get bail in a murder case.”

“But you’re innocent.”

“I am, so everything will come out well in the end. Meanwhile, you must be patient and let my attorney do her job.”

Lily dabbed tears from her cheeks. “I can’t bear to see you like this.”

“I’m fine. Just know that I love you and that there is no truth to these charges. We’ll be together soon.”

* * *

Regina walked Lily Dowd to her law office. Lily gave Regina a check for the retainer and Regina explained what would happen in her husband’s case.

As soon as Lily Dowd left, Regina dialed Peter Ragland.

“Hi, Regina. What’s up?”

“Robert Chesterfield just retained me.”

Ragland chuckled. “I think I can have that fact introduced in evidence as an admission of guilt.”

“Cute, Peter.”

“Is he calling himself Mr. Chesterfield or Lord Chesterfield?”

“Plain old mister. Is your comedy monologue over? Can we discuss the case?”

“What happened to your sense of humor?”

“It deserted me when I was awakened from a sound sleep and had to go to the jail at one in the morning because you decided to arrest my client in the middle of the night.”

Ragland chuckled again. Regina took a deep breath and counted to ten.

“When can I get discovery?” she asked.

“Anytime you want it.”

“Care to tell me why you think you have a case?”

“It’s all laid out in the police reports.”

“What about bail?”

“Not happening. Chesterfield isn’t an American citizen. If he gets out of custody, he’ll flee. Of course, I’d make all sorts of concessions, like taking the death penalty off the table, if Mr. Chesterfield admits he killed Mrs. Randall and Mr. Gentry and pleads guilty in both cases.”

“My client is adamant that he’s not involved with either case.”

“I’d expect nothing less. Isn’t it amazing how many innocent victims of our justice system are serving time at the penitentiary?”


The Multnomah County Courthouse is an ominous, eight-story, gray concrete building that takes up an entire block in downtown Portland. The courtroom of the Honorable Henry Beathard was on the fifth floor. Regina led Lily Dowd past the reporters who crowded the corridor and into a room with high windows and marble columns. The grim faces of judges past stared down at them from the walls.

Regina guessed that the courtroom would be packed, so she’d asked the bailiff to reserve a seat for Lily behind the defense table. As she led Lily down the aisle, Regina noticed Morris Quinlan sitting on the back bench. Regina respected Quinlan, so she smiled at him as she passed by.

“Chesterfield’s called in the A team,” Roger Dillon said.

“Yeah,” Quinlan answered. “This could get embarrassing. Regina is the last person you want on the other side of a case if you have the IQ of a gnat.”

When they were almost to Lily’s seat, Regina saw Gary Randall, Sophie Randall’s husband. He glared at Regina, but Regina was not offended. She felt very sorry for him and understood why he would hate her for

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