Reaper's Wrath - Jamie Begley Page 0,27

louder, she darted the small SUV between two slow-moving vehicles before sliding expertly into the third lane of fast-moving traffic, bopping her head to the beat.

Reaper grabbed the oh-shit handle when Ginny nearly kissed the front end of an eighteen-wheeler. The skillful driving sent a bead of cold sweat slithering down his back.

Serving in the military, he had learned to recognize several characteristics that would make a great soldier. In the short time he had known Ginny, she exhibited both—fearlessness and courage. She held her own against Viper, D-Mon, and him without batting an eyelash. The soldier in him was astute enough to be aware that type of inner strength wasn’t ingrained; it was learned behavior.

Damn. He hadn’t anticipated beginning to like her. Resisting the instant attraction could be a fool’s mission.

I’m fucked.

Ginny lowered the volume of the radio. “You say something?”


After they ate, he would call Moon and have his ass on the first available plane to Nashville. He didn’t care whether Cross wanted Moon there or not. Every day was a trial of endurance to keep the memories at bay that dogged his nightmares. If he gave her the littlest chance, she could wreak havoc on that tremulous balance.

He had drawn an imaginary line in the sand, and he would not cross it for anyone’s well-being. Reaper saw Ginny on the other side of that line, plain as day. And not only was she standing there, she was digging a trench.

A warrior knew when to retreat. He didn’t have the emotional capacity to participate in the war that Ginny was signaling she wanted to wage. Wars came with a price, and he had nothing left to give.

Chapter Eight

“You’re kidding, right?”

Standing outside the tiny restaurant that was the size of a school bus, Reaper stared doubtfully at the grimy exterior where Ginny was determined to eat.

Laughter bubbling out, she hooked her arm through his, tugging him toward the door. “Quit being a stick-in-the-mud. You’re going to enjoy it.”

The smell coming out when he opened the door made him realize how hungry he was, until he went farther into the restaurant. Then his appetite took a dip when he saw the inside was dirtier than the outside, appearing as if it hadn’t been painted since it was built. If he had to take a guess, the restaurant was at least fifty years old, which was a kind assumption.

Before he could do an about-face, Ginny tugged him down onto the closest metal stool.

“Marty? You here?” Ginny yelled out.

A burly man exited the door at the end of the restaurant marked Restroom. Catching sight of him, Ginny gave him a bright smile as the man who Reaper assumed was Marty came around the counter.

“Where else would I be?” Tying a white apron behind his back, Marty moved to stand in front of them.

She had no answer for that bit of cheer, and Reaper didn’t blame her; Marty’s fuck you disposition was plainly written across the front of his apron.

“I’m back from Kentucky! You miss me?”

“Didn’t know you left. What you want to eat?”

“We’ll take two sacks,” Ginny ordered cheerfully.

Reaper gave her a side-eye. Was she on fucking valium?

The big man didn’t move away to start the order. “Who’s the new shadow?”

“Marty, this is Gavin. Gavin, Marty.” Ginny gave a wave of her hand between the two men.

“Reaper,” Reaper corrected her.

Ginny continued as if he hadn’t spoken. “He’s a friend of mine from Kentucky.”

The men critically sized each other up, neither extending their hands at the introduction.

“What happened to sunglasses and bozo?”

The snide comment had Reaper arching a brow in Ginny’s direction.

“He means Shade and Rider,” Ginny explained to him before answering Marty’s question. “They stayed home. Shade is expecting a new baby, and Rider wanted to spend more time with his family also. They left Gavin to fill their shoes.”

“He doesn’t look happy about it.”

“No, he doesn’t. I’m hoping one of your burgers will make it worth the trip for him.”

Marty rolled his eyes at Ginny. “The boy has eyes. If just being with you doesn’t do that trick, my fucking burgers aren’t going to help.” Giving Reaper a disparaging once-over, the beefy man then jostled his heavy body to the side and behind the tight counterspace, bending over to take hamburgers and fries out of a small metal freezer.

The only way Reaper would touch any food that asswipe cooked was to shove it down that asshole’s throat, Reaper thought vindictively.

“Marty must be in a good mood.” Ginny grinned infectiously as if Copyright 2016 - 2024