Reaper's Wrath - Jamie Begley Page 0,117

him moving. Suki fell in step at his side.

Staring down at their linked hands when they naturally began swinging between them, Gavin raised his eyes to the rising sun, blaming the sudden wetness in his eyes at the blinding light and not at the regret of a future that was never going to be.

Chapter Forty-Two

“Your ride is here.”

“I’m coming.” Turning from the window, Reaper went to the bed to pick up his suitcase.

“I wish you weren’t going.”

Steeling himself against Ginny’s wistful voice, he carried his suitcase to the doorway where she was standing. “I don’t need to be here. I’ve tested negative four times, and it’s been over nine days; if I had any symptoms, they would have shown by now. I’m good to go.”

Ginny didn’t move to let him pass. “Aren’t you worried about Silas? I think he put something in my coffee this morning.”

“He put Funfetti creamer in your coffee.”

“I could have choked on one of the sprinkles.”

“Don’t do this, Ginny. You’re going to be fine. Knox has the whole town locked down with the infection spreading to other counties. Your stalker couldn’t get in town if he wanted to.”

“I don’t want you to leave because I’m afraid of my stalker. I don’t want you to leave because I’m afraid Suki will miss you.”

“She has you to keep her company.” Tightening his grip on the handle of his suitcase, he shut out the pleading he could see in her eyes. “My ride is waiting.”

Nodding, Ginny moved, letting him through the doorway.

Walking down the hallway, he felt as if he were walking his last mile. The eerie feeling persisted even as he reached the front door and opened it.

There was barely enough room to close the door when he and Ginny walked through. All her brothers were waiting outside.

“They all wanted to say good-bye,” Silas told him, going down the steps to make more room on the porch.

“Bye.” The youngest waved at him, remaining by Isaac’s side.

“Bye,” Reaper told him, taking the hand Isaac held out to him.

“Take care.”

“I will.” Reaper moved the side to take Matthew’s hand.

“Stop by whenever you want to visit. I’ll teach you how to work the forge.”

“It’s too hot in there for me.” He wouldn’t be coming back. Reaper planned to stay away from the Colemans as much as he could.

“You get used to the heat,” Matthew said, as he moved to talk to Jody and Jacob.

That’s good to know, Reaper thought, since he would be spending an eternity there.

“Don’t be a stranger. Ginny is going to miss you.” Jacob’s gaze caught his. “Jody and I could use an extra hand to set up fences, if you want to try something new, or even if you get bored for a day.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Reaper moved away from them, going to the end of the porch where Moses and Ezra were standing. I just have to get past four more and I can go, Reaper told himself.

Moses gave him a nod. “I didn’t bring Suki to say good-bye to you. I didn’t want her running after the car.”

Reaper nodded back, locking his heart at the emotions at not being able to see the dog for the last time.

“Stop by and see her sometime,” Moses encouraged.

“Will you be keeping her?” Reaper asked, despite telling himself not to.

“No, she’ll be going to a new home once I finish training her.”

“Will she be going to a good home?”

“She wouldn’t be going if it weren’t. Don’t worry, Suki will be in good hands.”

Reaper turned toward Ezra.

“Don’t know if Ginny told you or not, but I have a bike. Anytime you want company to ride, give me a call.”

Acknowledging the offer with a brief smile, Reaper went down the steps.

“You have my number; use it sometime. I’m up to lend an ear or just to shoot the breeze.” Silas’s expression went from friendly to serious. “You need anything, just let us know. We’re pretty well stocked, and we don’t mind lending a helping hand. All you have to do is ask.”

Reaper had to add another lock to his heart at saying good-bye to Silas. Ginny’s brother was like Viper, yet there were differences between the two men. Both inspired confidence and had experience. The differences were harder to explain. Even as a boy his brother was closed-off because of their military upbringing. They were supposed to take hard hits and not whine when things didn’t go their way. Viper wasn’t as strict as their father, but it was difficult Copyright 2016 - 2024