The Realest Ever - By Keith Thomas Walker Page 0,83

before and out to eat a lot of times, but he never did both in one day. And the good times weren’t over yet. Donovan had the best video games and consoles Q had ever seen. He hurried out of the truck and was the first one waiting at Donovan’s door.

Donovan let everyone inside, and then he went to the den to show Q the Kinect he recently purchased for his Xbox. Kat was equally intrigued by the new device, so Donovan left her with her brother and returned to Kyra who was waiting in the living room. Donovan’s chest grew warm as he rounded the coffee table and looked down at her. Kyra looked comfortable on his sofa. She had the remote in hand, and she kicked off her pumps already.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Donovan said. “Got the kids playing in the den, my girl chillin’ on the couch. You can’t tell me this ain’t a happy home.”

“It is nice,” Kyra said. She knew what he was getting at. “We need to talk about–”

“Wait,” Donovan said. “Come here. I want to show you something.”

He reached for her hand and helped her off the sofa. Kyra followed him down the hall. She thought he was taking her to his bedroom, but Donovan stopped at another door. Kyra knew he had a home gym in there. But when Donovan opened the door, she saw that all of his weight-lifting stuff was gone. It had been replaced with a queen-size bed. There were also two dressers that hadn’t been there before.

Kyra looked at her man in confusion.

“For Quinell,” Donovan said. “I was thinking that when y’all move in here, this could be his room. I got another bedroom I use mostly for storage. I’m going to clear that one out, too, so we’ll have a place for Kat. As for tonight, I was thinking Q and Kat could share this bed, or he could sleep on the sofa in the den. I know it’s three of y’all in one room at your aunt’s house, so I think Q will be okay with sharing this room with Kat, just for tonight.”

Kyra’s heart quivered. No man ever treated her as good as Donovan did. She still hadn’t confirmed that she would move in with him. She thought Donovan was being silly and spontaneous when he first asked her. But if he went through this much trouble, he had to be serious. Kyra took a seat on the bed. Donovan sat with her.

“What’s wrong?” he asked. “I thought you’d be happy.”

“I am,” Kyra said. She looked into his eyes and smiled. It was a strange smile, because her eyes were filled with tears.

“Then why do you look like you’re going to cry?” Donovan asked.

“Because I don’t think you know what you’re doing,” Kyra said. “And believe me, this is a weird feeling, because I can always count on you to do the right thing.”

“Why do you think I’m not doing the right thing now?”

“Because we only been together for a week,” Kyra said. “If anybody else asked me to move in with them after that amount of time, I’d run for the hills, thinking they were crazy.”

“I’m not anybody else.”

“I know,” Kyra said. “And I know you want to do the right thing. But I don’t think you thought this out enough. Don’t you want me to get my own place so we can, you know, see how it goes with us first.”

Donovan shook his head. “You sound like my mama.”

“You told her about this?”

“Yeah. She thinks I’m scared.”

Kyra’s eyes brightened. That was news to her. “Why did she say that?”

“’Cause I’m scared of losing you,” Donovan said. “She thinks I want to hurry up and move you in and get married so that I know for sure we’ll be together.”

Kyra couldn’t stop her tears from falling. That was the most beautiful thing she ever heard. “Is, is that true?”

Donovan wiped her cheeks, ever so tenderly. “Part of it is,” he said. “But I also know that we’re meant to be. I don’t see the point in waiting for the inevitable. It’s expensive and stressful to move into your own place. It’s a waste of time and money, if you’re going to end up moving in here anyway. You do want to live with me, don’t you?”

Kyra nodded. She wanted that more than anything.

“Then why drag it out?” Donovan asked. “Why not do it now?”

Because we might not work. That was the only reason Copyright 2016 - 2024