The Realest Ever - By Keith Thomas Walker Page 0,74

coffee table. Donovan had a pair of sweat pants that he cut the legs off and converted to shorts. There was a pair of men’s boxers, size medium and a large Western Hills tee shirt. All of the clothing was a little too big for Kyra, but she wouldn’t look ridiculous when she put it on.

She scooped up her outfit and went back to the kitchen. “Where did you get this? I know it’s too small for you.”

“I had a former student living with me for a while,” Donovan said. “I’m sorry, that’s all I have that might fit you. I know the shorts are too big, but they have a drawstring.”

“No, it’s perfect,” Kyra said.

“You look good in anything,” Donovan assured her. “Like right now, I want to yank that sheet away and make love to you right here in the kitchen. But I’m practicing restraint.”

Kyra’s eyes widened. She grinned. “In the kitchen?”

“Yeah,” Donovan said, nodding. “Up against the refrigerator.”

Oh wow.

“How, how would that work?”

“I’d have to pick you up,” Donovan explained. “…lean your back against the fridge for support. I never did it before, but you got me thinking about it.”

Oh double wow!

Kyra almost dropped the sheet herself and made him put his money where his mouth was, but she really wanted to get cleaned up first.

“Let me… go ahead and get in the shower,” she said.

“Alright, scary. I’ll have your food ready when you get out.”

“I’m not scary,” Kyra said as she walked away.

“So you say. You’re gonna have to face me in this kitchen sooner or later.”

Sweet! Kyra kept walking. She hoped it would be sooner rather than later.


The bathroom was still a little steamy from Donovan’s shower, so Kyra knew he hadn’t been up that long. She’d never been in Donovan’s bathroom at all, but now she was about to bathe in it! She was super excited. She didn’t even feel sleepy anymore.

Donovan’s washroom was clean and neat. The tub was huge, nearly twice the size of either of the ones at Aunt Ruth’s house. He didn’t have big variety of bathing supplies, just the essentials; body wash, shampoo a back scrubber and a bath sponge. Kyra checked her appearance in the mirror. She didn’t look too bad at all, all things considered. She dropped her sheet and stepped into the tub and was soon having one hell of a Calgon moment.

The water felt great. It was hot and relaxing. Kyra didn’t want to leave the tub after she finished bathing, but she knew there was something even better waiting for her in the living room – or maybe in the kitchen, somewhere near the refrigerator.

She left the shower and dressed in the clothes Donovan provided for her. The boxers fit surprisingly well, but the drawstring on the shorts was essential. She put on the tee-shirt and thought she looked a little tom-boyish. But Kyra felt fresh and comfortable when she rejoined Donovan in the kitchen. He had a plate waiting for her. His quesadillas looked scrumptious.

“You look great,” Donovan said when he caught sight of her. “You ready to eat?” He pulled a chair out for her.

“Yes, I am. Thanks for the clothes, and the food!” Kyra took a seat and inhaled the rich scents wafting from her plate. Donovan even provided a small bowl of salsa for dipping. “This is perfect,” she said. “Your mama taught you how to make these?”

“No, Miss-Know-It-All. I learned from TV, one of those cooking shows.”

“Donovan watches cooking shows?” Kyra said as she took her first bite. Mmmm. Melted cheese, juicy chicken, green onions and tomatoes. It was perfect without the salsa.

“I have a lot more surprises,” Donovan said as he sat across from her. His plate was still full. He waited on her rather than chow down while she was in the shower. It was a little thing, but it made Kyra feel special.

“I bet you do,” she said. She giggled and then quickly devoured her late night snack.


“I’m glad you changed your mind about kissing on the first date,” Donovan said. The dishes were put away, Kyra’s belly was nicely full, and Donovan surprised her with a chilled bottle of Moscato. They sat together on the living room couch sipping and talking. It was three a.m.

Kyra covered her mouth as she laughed. “Whatever. You know that rule didn’t apply to you.”

“Really?” Donovan said. “I feel special.”

“You are,” Kyra said. “You know that. I don’t even feel like we went on a first date. It was more Copyright 2016 - 2024