The Realest Ever - By Keith Thomas Walker Page 0,46

footing the repair bill.

And when he tried to break up with her… that had to be the worst day of Brianna’s life. Donovan told her point blank that Kyra was going to be in the picture, and if Brianna didn’t like it, he would dump her – not Kyra. It was humiliating and it was ludicrous. Who did Donovan think he was? Didn’t he know that he belonged to Brianna? Nothing was over unless she said it was.

There were two things that kept Brianna sane during the days Kyra casted her dark cloud over their relationship. The first was that Brianna knew she was more awesome than Kyra in every way. She had the looks, the finances, her own home, and no rug rats! There was no way Donovan could be interested in a basic chick like Kyra. The second thing that kept Brianna from going completely bat shit was Donovan’s promise that he wasn’t attracted to Kyra and that he had never been. Brianna asked him specifically if he and Kyra ever kissed, and Donovan gave her an emphatic No.

But that was a lie. And even though it hurt like hell to find out she’d been deceived, Brianna wasn’t terribly upset with her boyfriend. She could actually thank him, because Donovan’s gigantic lie gave Brianna the power she needed to regain control of their relationship, like in the old days. She felt like Maury Povich with an envelope filled with DNA results. She felt like Johnny Cochran waving a bloody glove at the jury.

She took a seat on Donovan’s couch and stared into her boyfriend’s eyes. He warily sat next to her with the classic BUSTED! look stamped on his face. The only thing that kept Brianna from smiling was the fact that she was supposed to feel hurt and betrayed right now rather than haughty.

“Okay,” Donovan said with a sigh. “What did my mom tell you?”

“What do you think she told me?”

Donovan frowned. It was clear Brianna was getting a lot of satisfaction out of this.

“You came all the way over here to play a riddle game?” he asked.

“Yes, I like riddles,” she said. “Here’s another one: What starts with ‘You’ and ends with ‘Lied’?”

Donovan shook his head. That was a good one. If he wasn’t sure that one of them would be crying within the next five minutes, he might have laughed.

“Okay.” He nodded. “I did lie to you.”

“About what?”

“About Kyra. I told you my mom kicked her out because she didn’t trust us together. Obviously you now know that wasn’t the whole truth.”

“That wasn’t the truth at all.”

“No, it wasn’t.”

“Say what you did.”

“You sure you don’t want to do it yourself? You seem to have a flair for dramatics.”

“Actually you’re the one who’s been giving the performance of a lifetime,” Brianna countered. She offered three very sarcastic hand claps. “Bravo.”

“I kissed Kyra,” Donovan said, growing tired of her antics.

“When?” Brianna asked. “Yesterday? Last week?”

“I kissed Kyra fifteen years ago,” Donovan stated, “when she was living with us. It was only one time. My mom caught us, and that’s why she made Kyra leave. That was the only time we ever kissed.”

His confession did little to slow Brianna’s roll.

“The only time you’re admitting to now…”

“What do you mean by that?”

“If you lied to me all this time about that kiss, who’s to say you’re not still lying? Who’s to say you didn’t kiss her yesterday, or the last time you saw her?”

“You, um, I guess you have to trust me.”

“Ha!” She laughed in his face. “Trust you?”

Donovan felt like he was applying for a loan at the snobbiest bank in the country.

“Uh, yeah. You have to trust me.”

“I don’t get how you can say that with a straight face,” Brianna replied. “Trusting you is the last thing I can do right now, Donovan. Maybe never again.”

He didn’t have a response for that.

“And according to your mother, it wasn’t just a kiss,” Brianna continued. “Do you want to tell me what else happened that day?”

“You mean fifteen years ago?”

“Or yesterday, or the day before. Whatever. Who knows what you and your little girlfriend have been up to?”

Donovan shook his head. “Okay, Brianna. I know you’re having fun with this, but you need to get to the point. Yes, I lied to you. I kissed Kyra a long-ass time ago, and both of us have regretted it ever since. We’ve never touched each other again since that day, and we aren’t kissing or sleeping together right now. I lied Copyright 2016 - 2024