The Realest Ever - By Keith Thomas Walker Page 0,43

start talking about the team. They talk about you, too. This Friday I had half a mind to sock one of them.”

The thought of Beverly sticking up for him like that made Donovan laugh again.

“You’d better pull out at least an even record,” Beverly threatened, “while you’re over there laughing.”

“Yes, Ma’am. We’ll get things turned around.”

“Does this got something to do with your two girlfriends?” Beverly asked. “Is that why you’re not focusing on the team?”

“That’s cold, Mama.”

“Whatever, Donovan. I know they been running you ragged. You know it, too.”

That was true, but “Kyra’s not my girlfriend, Mama. We’re just friends. I finally got Brianna to come around, and you should, too.”

“Come around to what, Donovan? Come around to accepting her? I did that once before. Remember? Remember what happened when I trusted Kyra?” She fixed a hard gaze on him.

Donovan looked away.

Beverly rolled her eyes. “Did you find her a job yet?”

“No,” Donovan said. “But I did find her a car. And she applied for a few jobs with the district. I think she’ll get a call back from at least one of them.”

“You found her a car?”

“Yeah, I did. We picked it up Thursday.”

“You bought that woman a car?” Beverly was incredulous.

“No, I didn’t buy it, Mama. I found a charity organization that donates cars to, you know, poor families. I got Kyra an application, and she qualified. They gave her a ’99 Escort. The fuel pump didn’t work. Had to get it towed to the shop, but we should get it out this week.”

“I hope you’re not paying for that repair bill…”

“Mama, you know Kyra doesn’t have any money. Who else would pay for it?”

Beverly put her fork down and stared at her plate in disgust. Donovan knew it wasn’t the food she was upset with. “And when were you planning on telling me all of this?”

“I just did,” Donovan said. “But to be honest, Mama, it’s none of your business.” He downed a spoonful of potatoes and meatloaf and smiled at her, hoping to soften the sting from his comment.

“You’re right.” Beverly nodded. “It is none of my business. But you’re my son, and I’m not going to stop caring about your well-being.”

“I know,” Donovan said. “And I appreciate that.”

“I won’t stop trying to warn you when you’re about to fall off a cliff, either.”

“I know,” Donovan replied. “But maybe you should, especially if that cliff is all in your head.”

Beverly cleared her throat and took a sip of tea. “So how much are you spending on Kyra’s auto repairs?”

“That’s none of your business, Mama,” Donovan said, still eating.

Beverly took a long inhalation through her nostrils. Donovan pretended not to notice.

“Aren’t you gonna finish eating?” he asked her.

“No, son. I’m not hungry anymore.”

Donovan chuckled. “Mama, you tripping.”

“How much time are you spending with Kyra?” she asked. “Do you talk to her every day?”

Donovan nodded. “Yeah, I think so.”

“And you see her, too?”

“Not that much,” Donovan said. “Maybe once or twice a week.”

Beverly gasped.

“That’s only because we’ve been taking care of this business with the car and her applications,” Donovan explained.

“And you’ve been giving her money?”

He shook his head. “No, Mama.”

“That girl never asked you for money?”

“She never asked me for anything. She thinks I’m doing too much as it is.”

“And Brianna? I guess you’re keeping all this secret from your girlfriend?”

Donovan smiled. “No, Mama. I don’t keep secrets. Brianna knows about everything. It used to be a problem, but it’s not anymore. I don’t hide anything from her. I feel free.”

His mother stared at him in awe. “Free?”

“Free to be Kyra’s friend, without it interfering with my relationship with Brianna.”

“I can’t believe this, Donovan.”

“I know. It’s crazy. I never would’ve thought it possible.”

“Brianna knows you go over to Kyra’s house?”


“And the job? And the car? You told Brianna you bought Kyra a car?”

“I told you; I didn’t buy Kyra a car. She got it for free. I’m just paying the repair bill.”

“Which is how much?”

“Not that much.”

“Did you tell Brianna how much it was?”


“And she’s okay with it?”

“Yeah. It’s not like I asked her for the money.”

Beverly was baffled. “I don’t understand this, Donovan. How can Brianna be cool with all of this?”

“She trusts me.” That wasn’t true, but Donovan kept a straight face when he said it.

“She’s not a stupid girl,” Beverly said, lost in her own thoughts. “I like Brianna. She’s so smart – and beautiful! That girl is drop dead gorgeous, Donovan. Why would she let you carry on with another woman like Copyright 2016 - 2024