The Realest Ever - By Keith Thomas Walker Page 0,16

Kyra cried in the background.

In her mind’s eye, Brianna could see Donovan and Kyra holding hands until the last moment. The awful adults in their lives had to pry them apart. Kyra was forced to live without her only source of peace for the next fifteen years.

Brianna caught herself before she started feeling too sympathetic for Donovan’s supposed play-sister.

“Pull her up on Facebook,” she said. “I wanna see what she looks like.”

Donovan pursed his lips, but he reached for his cellphone on the coffee table.

“No, do it on the computer,” Brianna said, getting up. “I wanna see her on a big screen.”

Donovan considered not complying, but then he rose from his recliner. Brianna watched him closely. She didn’t know if he was hesitant because he had something to hide or because he didn’t like being ordered around. She knew she’d find out which one it was in a few short moments.


Kyra was so beautiful, Brianna almost started crying. She bullied Donovan out of his computer chair so she could navigate Kyra’s profile at her own pace. Donovan stood next to her, his patience growing thinner by the second.

“You know I’m only allowing this because I care about you,” he said, “and I understand that this might be a little weird for you. But if you don’t start acting like you trust me–”

“You didn’t tell me she was gorgeous,” Brianna said, her eyes on the computer screen. “How many kids does she have?”


“Is she still with her baby-daddy?” Brianna asked with a pompous tone. “Or should I say baby-daddies?”

Donovan grunted. “You were sitting right there when I talked to her. Did you hear me ask about that?”

“Why you getting an attitude?”

“Why you trying to put her down?” Donovan asked.

“What do you care?” Brianna said, her eyes on the computer.

Donovan couldn’t answer right away. Why was it his job to defend Kyra? He couldn’t answer that question fifteen years ago, either.

“You sent her messages?!” Brianna’s voice was nearly a shriek.

“Of course I sent her messages. How do you think she got my number?”

“‘Oh my God, I can’t believe it’s really you!’” Brianna read. “What the hell, Donovan?”

“What do you mean?”

“You got it in caps and everything!” Brianna’s eyes skated across the screen, her scowl growing deeper by the second. “‘I can barely sit still?!’” she read. “‘I’ll fly to Arkansas if I have to!?’”

“You said you wanted to see what she looked like,” Donovan said. “Why you reading my personal messages?”

“You’re writing personal messages to another female,” Brianna said. “I have a right to see this!”

“A right? What the…?” Donovan shook his head in exasperation. He wanted to physically remove Brianna from his computer. She was a skinny girl. It wouldn’t take much. But Donovan never manhandled a woman. His mother would pass out at just the thought of it. “See, this is why…” He mumbled something and then turned, heading for his recliner.

“This is why what?” Brianna yelled at him. “This is why what, Donovan?”

Why I don’t wanna live with your crazy ass, Donovan thought – but of course did not say. Brianna was out of control now, but she really had her panties in a bunch a month ago when Donovan pressed the PAUSE button on her marriage plans.

Brianna was 27 years old, and she already had life figured out. She believed Donovan was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. He was tall, dark and any woman within a mile radius knew he was handsome. Donovan’s teaching job was rather blah by Brianna’s standards, but she was an executive at the General Motor’s Las Colinas office, so she didn’t need her man to bring in a lot of money.

Brianna hoped they could shack up on their ninth month together, start planning a marriage by their tenth month and be on their honeymoon a few months after that. Donovan burst her bubble when he refused to move in with her. He wouldn’t let Brianna come and live with him, either. He told her that was a huge step, and he wasn’t sure if he was ready.

Truth be told, Donovan didn’t know if their relationship would survive if he never had any private time AWAY from Brianna. She was a beautiful girl – a great catch, very career-minded and focused. But she was also the most insecure woman Donovan ever dated. He didn’t understand it. Brianna could have any man she wanted. Rather than take comfort in that, she constantly stressed over losing the man she Copyright 2016 - 2024