Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,99

shoulders. He moved again, seemingly determined to take me higher one more time before the sun rose and sent us both into the death sleep. I felt the tension coil inside me, the thrill, and the impossibly intense pleasure that was almost pain. He was right. Neither of us ever failed to feel this. It was more than sex, more than a physical connection. It was two becoming one. I screamed his name as the waves broke and I felt his release inside me surging strong and sure.

How I wished I could have given him a child. A beauty like Lily. Or a strong son to stand by his side against dangerous enemies. But turning vampire ended all hope for me ever having children. Had killed his swimmers too. Lucky for him he'd sired Lily before he'd been turned.

Death pulled at me, trying to claim me. But I resisted, needing to hold him against my heart. Needing to press my lips to his for one more moment. I loved this man, seemed to have always loved him. Yes, he commanded me. But in some ways I commanded him. We would call it a draw if this were a game, neither of us the loser. I smiled as I fell on top of him and let the darkness claim me.

"I can't meet him here." Penny paced around the living room. "No amount of air freshener can mask the smell of those rats. And I change the litter in their cages several times a night!"

"I know you do." I looked her over with a critical eye. Hair shining and bouncing in the new layered cut that still hit her shoulders but curved toward her jaw to flatter her round face. Her black sweater was a wrap that did nice things to her figure. The tie at the waist promised a man that if he tugged he'd get an even better view of the cleavage, courtesy of a new push-up bra she'd picked up at the mall. Her black and yellow print skirt stopped above her knees at just the right spot to show off surprisingly trim legs. And, yes, I'd talked her into some heels, but they weren't so high that she'd fall on her face when she walked. Her pacing was practice.

"So you're meeting him in the shop again. How'd you explain that?" I put my hand on Jerry's shoulder. He'd driven me home and I'd nagged him into making our Saturday-night date into a "let's follow Penny" excursion. Not that we were telling her that.

"I told him we were repainting. In honor of my moving in. That things were a mess." Penny wobbled for a moment, looked down at her shoes, then sighed. "Maybe I should change into my flats."

"No, you're doing fine." I glanced at Jerry. "Men love women in heels. Am I right?"

"Absolutely. They make your legs look longer. Very sexy. You look good tonight, Penny. Where's this man taking you?" Jerry squeezed my waist. He hadn't quit touching me ever since I'd walked out in my red dress with the plunging neckline and my black lizard high heels that said "Do me."

"He didn't say, but Jenny says his frat is having a party. Seems like that's where we'll go." Penny glanced at a silver watch on her wrist. It was delicate, a far cry from her usual black and functional one that could do everything from tell the room temperature to determine the altitude. This one merely gave her the time.

"Guess you'd better head down. Have fun. Jer and I may go to N-V. They're having a good band tonight and Rafe actually invited us." I smiled at Penny, not even feeling guilty as I told the lie. Which maybe wasn't. If she wound up this date in time, we were definitely giving the club a visit.

"You mean it? You're going to trust me to be around this guy without dogging me?" Penny picked up her black clutch, then stopped in front of me. She narrowed her gaze. "Yeah, right. Give it up, Glory. You're blocking your thoughts, which you usually don't bother to do. I know that effort gives you a headache."

"Busted. Fine. So I don't trust you yet. Do you blame me?" I stood and walked to the door. Jerry knew enough to keep silent, but he was right behind me.

"When am I going to get some privacy?" Penny's jaw was set, her eyes flashing.

"When you prove yourself." Jerry put his hand on her shoulder Copyright 2016 - 2024