Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,95

me. Yes, Ian's last remark still stung. That I liked a man taking command of me. "Sit. Relax. Don't even think about testing the new coffee table."

Trey looked from Rafe to Jerry, clearly picking up on the vibe between them and not sure what the coffee table had to do with anything. Penny grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the hall.

"Ignore them." She grinned at Rafe, then Jerry. "Love the new furniture, guys. Now, Trey, wouldn't you like to come see the rats I told you about? If you can stand the stench." Penny nodded down the hall.

"Yeah, sure. Wish I could help you out with that. Knew somebody who could take them off your hands." Trey never looked back, just followed Penny.

"Now, why don't we sit down and talk for a minute, all three of us?" I gestured toward the couch. Then I walked over and carefully put my vial, cell phone and keys on a shelf next to a book. This one I needed to reread immediately: Finding Your Inner Peace. Right now my insides were churning and burning. I blamed it on that testosterone in the air again and the way Rafe grinned and Jerry frowned. I was so not in the mood to referee.

"Hold it. What's that?" Jerry just had to notice that vial. "Is that something from MacDonald? One of his drugs?"

"Glory, you're not going to experiment with some of his shit again, are you?" Rafe was right beside me.

"Cool it, both of you. It's nothing you need to worry about. Penny and I are going to try it. It's a one-shot deal. No biggie." I glared at both of them. "And none of your damned business."

"What does it do? Not more of that weight-loss junk, is it?" Rafe said as he and Jerry exchanged glances, for once allies.

"No, I gave that up. You both claim to like my curves." I ran my hand down my side. Oops, not smart. They'd both just noticed I hadn't worn a bra. That got Jerry's eyebrows up and Rafe's grin wider while I settled into a chair.

Jerry stomped over and picked up the vial. "Doesn't look like the daylight drug. And I still have some of that if you want to try it again. With me, of course."

I sighed. "Forget it. Please? And since you're not against all of Ian's drugs, you just made my case for trying something else of his."

Rafe frowned at Jerry. "Tell us what it's for, Glory, and maybe we'll back off. It's not like you to take a risk. And to let your fledgling - "

"Give it up, Rafe. We're doing it." I yawned. "It's been a rough night. Did Trey tell you guys that the demons caught him with Penny in the park and propositioned them?"

"They approached your fledgling?" Jerry finally sat down again on the couch, forgetting about the vial for the time being, which had been my aim in bringing up the demons. "What did Penny do?"

"Turned them down, of course. She's had a strong religious upbringing. Now she's none too happy that I'm helping them snatch Simon's soul." I shook my head. "But I think we've smoothed things over. I let her know I'm doing this just once, for a friend. Simon was bound for hell anyway."

"I'm sorry, Glory. This is getting way out of control. Let me approach Simon, no need for you to involve yourself." Rafe sat on the other end of the couch and leaned forward. "I don't want you messing with demons any more than Blade does."

"Listen to him, Glory." Jerry pinned me with a look, willing me to take the offer.

"No, I'm in this to the end. You know Simon wouldn't meet with you, Rafe. Both of you need to accept that this subject is closed. Right now I'm starting to feel the dawn." I stood and frowned at Penny's bedroom. "It reeks in here, doesn't it?"

"Yes. Come home with me. If we shift, we can be there in minutes." Jerry stood and held out his hand.

Rafe's face hardened, then he shrugged. "Wouldn't blame you. Want me to grab Trey and make him leave with me?"

"Would you?" I smiled at him gratefully. "That would be great. I know Penny's an adult, but I don't feel right just taking off and leaving her here. Like I'm giving permission for them to, you know."

"I get it. Go. I'm on top of this. Don't know how she's sleeping in that bedroom. Bet she jumps at the Copyright 2016 - 2024