Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,93

And to complete your rehabilitation. Surely you realize you're a long way from ready to go it on your own. Don't you, Caine?" Ian strolled over to look at the lake. "Gloriana, what do you think?"

"I think Penny will need something to do as a vampire and working with you might be a good place to start." I glanced at her. "How this will work with her grants or whatever I have no idea. We have a thing with her folks on Monday night, but after that . . ." I saw her nibble a fingernail. "Ian, are you sure about staying in Austin? This seems sudden. What about California?"

"I'm a practical man. And perhaps it makes me happy to rub Campbell's nose in my presence." Ian grinned at me. "Jeremiah give you grief about coming here tonight?"

"Of course. But I haven't forgotten the nasty problems I had with your diet drug." I sighed. "Though I did get thin for a nanosecond."

Penny smiled. "Ian's been working on some amazing things for vampires. He even gave me some free samples."

"Are you kidding me? Give them back." I stalked up to Ian. "What did you give her? Daylight? Diet? What?"

"Better than either one, Gloriana. Penny told me her parents are coming to dinner. How would you like to be able to eat like a mortal for just one meal?" Ian grinned, looking almost boyish for a moment.

I guess I must have been slack-jawed. Ray laughed out loud.

"Holy shit, Glory. You should see your face! If Ian had just handed you a million bucks you couldn't look more stunned." Ray gave me a bone-crushing hug. "Honey, you're too cute."

"Cute, hell. If you're toying with me, Ian MacDonald, I'm coming back here with one of Jerry's knives and carving my initials in your backside." I held out my hand. "Give me that sample."

"Gloriana. So bloodthirsty. Obviously you've been hanging around a Campbell for too many centuries." Ian took a vial of clear liquid from Penny and put it into my hand. "It works for one hour. You may eat whatever you like for that hour."

"Can I gain weight from it?" I stared at the bottle suspiciously. I did have that history of side effects from Ian's brews.

"No one else has, but, with you, I guess anything's possible." Ian glanced at Penny. "Perhaps you should use this as a chance to study the drug. Monitor both yourself and Gloriana for side effects, during and after."

"Yes, will do." Penny was clearly elated. "Just think, Glory, another way to get vampires back to mortal life. What a breakthrough."

I looked at Ray, who let me see the lingering lust in his eyes. He was still thinking bedroom not dining room. Once again I'd started something I wasn't going to finish. Why did so many people . . . Hmm. No, it was always other men. Okay, so why did so many men think I'd wasted my time with Jerry? Just a line? Then why was it that the more I heard it, the more it made sense to me? I shook my head, to Ray and to myself. I loved Jerry, I did. And he was waiting for me right now. I walked over and gave Ray a quick kiss good-bye.

"I'm so glad you're sober, Ray. Stick with it."

"You don't have to go now." He pulled me close and made sure I could feel how I'd affected him. "Stay."

I just smiled and shook my head. "Sorry. Not tonight. Let's go, Penny. Good night, Ian." I held up my sample. "Thanks. If this works, I may volunteer to be your lab rat."

Ian laughed. "Can I have that in writing?"

I felt my nerves twitch. That had sounded way too much like a certain demon I knew. "I'll get back to you on that," I said as Penny and I climbed into the limo.

Penny talked excitedly about her meeting with Ian the entire ride back to the apartment. She had every reason to be happy. This was a real opportunity for her. To continue research. To see a life for herself after getting turned vampire. Her depression about her undead life was lifting. We were almost to Sixth Street when she just had to ruin everything.

"So now all we have to do is tell Jenny about this and turn her. Then everything will be perfect." Penny bounced in her seat.

I just stared at her. Perfect? Perfect in hell, maybe.

Chapter Thirteen

I took off my high heels as I followed Penny up Copyright 2016 - 2024