Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,87

try Penny's first."

I looked around and seemed to be alone. "You don't think the demons bothered them, do you?"

"I wouldn't put anything past them. But they can't do harm, just make their propositions."

"Are you sure? Alesa didn't abide by that rule. She attacked me when she was here. I also have a pair of ruined boots that proves they play fast and loose with the 'do no harm' clause. Damn it, Rafe, if they try to lure Penny to the dark side . . ." I hurried into the back room and grabbed my purse. "Where's this place?"

"A few blocks over, the park that runs between First Street and the lake. You can't miss it. Shift and you'll see it from the air." Rafe cursed. "If I could get away, I'd do it myself, but Nadia's out of town and I have to be here."

"I get that. I can handle this." I stuffed my keys and a credit card in my pants pocket, then left my purse in the back room. When you shift, you really don't want to deal with baggage.

"Thanks for calling, Rafe. I'll let you know what I find out." I shut off the phone, tried Penny's number and got her voice mail. Not a good sign. I stuffed my phone into another pocket in my black jeans and hoped my blouse covered the bulges.

Damn it. The last thing I wanted to do right now was to confront a pair of demons. With luck, this was just Penny and Trey getting too friendly, too fast. I could understand that. The vampire libido and I were well acquainted. I'd already put on that cami and my bra was in the back room. Yeah, I was living on the edge, Glory-style. I'd let the girls loose for Jerry, but Ray would undoubtedly appreciate the view too.

I told Erin I was taking off and asked her to have Ray's driver wait if I ran late. Then I headed out the back door. I was thrilled that no paparazzi were waiting to ambush me as I stepped behind the stinky Dumpster and shifted. I flew toward First Street just a few blocks away, staying close to the treetops once I saw the water. The lake here near downtown looks more like a river and they'd made a park out of the green belt on both sides of it. A small group of people clustered near the Congress Avenue Bridge, known for its bat colony. Maybe Trey had decided to show that to Penny.

I flew down for a closer look. No, I knew immediately from the smell that these were mortals and they weren't into bathing. I flew along the water's edge until I saw another group under some trees. Okay, now this looked promising. As I got nearer, the sugary smell hit me and I screeched.

"Guess we have company." Spyte frowned at me as I landed and shifted.

"You bet you do. What the hell is going on here? You are supposed to leave my friends alone." I saw Trey, frozen in place, but he blinked at me in a silent plea to get him out of there. Penny was rooted to the ground, but obviously had the use of her hands and head.

"Glory, these creeps think I'd be interested in their work. Can you believe it?" Penny growled at Caryon, who managed to look bored.

"It was worth a shot. You had such spunk the other night I figured you'd make a good harvester for us. I admired how you bit me." He smiled at me. "And we've got Glory working for us now, so anything's possible."

"No! Glory, you're working for them?" Penny's eyes widened. "He's got to be lying."

"I'm only getting one really rotten soul for him. To save Rafe from boiling in oil or whatever nasty things they might do to him." I stalked up to Caryon and poked him in the chest. "I told you to leave my fledgling alone."

"And I do what you tell me to, why?" He flicked me with a look that made my skin crawl. "What are you going to do to me?"

"This isn't my first rodeo, you know. When Alesa was stuck in me, I learned what gave her heartburn. How'd you like a Bible verse marathon? Those give these losers migraines, Penny. And they really hate the 'G' word." I glanced at Penny. "You got one for him?"

"Sure. Twenty-third Psalm. The Lord is my - "

"Not that again." Spyte covered his ears. "Didn't Copyright 2016 - 2024