Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,84

my home cooking, honey. Jenny can come too."

"Sounds just wonderful, but that's not good for me." Penny heaved a big sigh that I was sure her mother could hear. "Still trying to deal with the mess at the lab and I have a big date Saturday night. I'll have to get ready."

"A date!" Mom was excited now. "Of course. Take all the time you need. Jenny could help you with that."

"Yeah, right." Penny looked at me. "Actually Glory has a clothing shop. She's been super helping me with my wardrobe. You won't recognize me when you see me. I'm totally transformed. Even got a haircut."

"That settles it. We're coming. Name the day. I mean it." Mom sounded firm.

I grabbed the phone. "Hi, Mrs. Patterson? This is Glory St. Clair, Penny's new roommate."

"Glory? Well, I'm glad to meet you. I hope Penny isn't making a mess in your place." Mom laughed. "She does have her mind on other things."

"I'm enjoying having Penny here. And she keeps her stuff in her room except for that big computer. But I'm sure you know how important her research was to her." I listened while Mom lamented about the lost research.

"Well, why don't you and Mr. Patterson come on up this Monday night? My shop's closed and Penny and I can have you here then. In the apartment." I laughed at the look on Penny's face. Obviously I'd just given her a deadline for having the rats gone and the place aired out.

"Oh, I love pot roast. With potatoes and carrots? Bring it on. I can't tell you the last time I had a home-cooked meal." I sighed. I couldn't have meant a statement more. "Yes, I'll make sure Penny calls her sister and gets her to come too. Penny says she's a vegetarian. Guess you know that, though. More pot roast for me." I laughed. "See you Monday." I hung up and faced Penny's glare.

"My parents are coming here? Monday night?" She looked significantly toward her bedroom. "What am I supposed to do about them?"

"Find them a home. Pronto." I got up and went to grab my purse.

"And how are we supposed to eat pot roast?" Penny was on my heels as I headed to my bedroom.

"We don't. We whammy the entire family to make them think we did." I picked up my brush and finished fixing my hair.

"Damn it, Glory." Her eyes filled with tears. "That seems so creepy and like cheating."

"What do you want to do? Show them your fangs?" I put down the brush. "You want creepy? Mom and Dad would absolutely die. Maybe literally. I don't know what kind of shape they're in or how old they are, but . . ."

"Dad's had a few heart issues." Penny frowned. "Mom's in great shape. They're both teachers. Dad teaches math but Mom's sponsor of the cheerleading squad and coaches soccer. You can imagine what a disappointment to her I was. I'm not into sports."

"But I bet you're Daddy's little girl." I patted her shoulder. "Get over this. We'll handle it. Since your computer is on our table, we'll set up TV trays and pretend to eat. Figure something out." I was getting really tired of all these complications.

"Gee, Glory, sorry to be a complication." Penny stomped back into the living room and picked up the TV remote.

"Did you just read my mind?" I grabbed my purse and followed her.

"Of course I did. I do it all the time." She frowned when I snatched the remote and muted the Syfy channel.

"It's rude. You do that to some paranormals and they'll hand you your head." I tossed the remote on the couch.

"Well, now you tell me." She slouched on the couch.

"Yes, now I tell you. Pay attention. The only time it's okay to read someone's mind is defense. You can try it during this meeting with Ian if thing's get dicey, but he'll have his thoughts blocked anyway. Guys like that do as a matter of course." I stared at her. "Just like you seem to do."

"Well, sure. I don't want just anybody strolling through my brain." She finally managed a smile. "It's a jungle in there."

"Of course. And swear to me on your mother's life, and I do mean that literally, that you'll stay out of Ray's mind. Totally X-rated." I kept my eyes on hers.

"First, cool it with the dire threats. I've done enough unauthorized strolls through your thoughts to know your bark's way worse than your bite, Glory." She ignored Copyright 2016 - 2024