Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,82

the werecat as they could get. "I'm doing a head count. If even one rat is missing . . ."

"Chill, vamp child. Like I said, Mom makes a secret sauce. It's killer." Lacy put up her hands when Penny dropped the cages and lunged at her. I jumped in between them.

"Stop! Penny, take care of your rats. Lacy, don't taunt her. Please?" I sent my manager a mental message to work with me here.

"Yeah, well, good luck, Glory. You'd better teach your gal here not to make idle threats."

Penny was right behind me, her fangs bared. "You want to try me?"

"No one's trying anyone. Good night, Lacy. Say hi to your mom for me." I looked back and gave Penny a mental message to chill.

"Sure. I'm outta here." Lacy held up her hands. "But now I've got to stop and pick up something else." She eyed the crates wistfully. "Salmon. Guess Mom can grill that." Lacy glanced at me. "Course these would have been free."

In the interest of harmony, I grabbed my purse and handed her a couple of twenties.

"Thanks, boss!" Lacy smirked at Penny and sauntered out the door.

I closed it, then leaned against it, hugging Boogie who was struggling to get to the rats.

Penny glared at me. "I can't believe that woman! And you gave her money?"

"She works for me and lives across the hall. It's important that we all get along." I stroked the cat. "And she would have mopped the floor with you, fledgling. Believe that."

"Humph." Penny took a minute to calm down and think that through. "But I'll get stronger as I get older."

"Sure you will. But each species of paranormal has its own skill set. There's lots to learn in this new world of yours. Werecats, werewolves, you name it, shape-shifters of all kinds exist and live in this building, Penny, along with other vampires. You should call Trey. Get him to help you identify the different kinds of paranormals by smell like he offered at N-V. And let him teach you some other things too, whatever he's willing to share." I glanced at the door. "That scent thing would have sure helped you tonight."

"You're right about that." Penny picked up two crates and started toward her bedroom. "You think that he meant it? That I could call him?"

"Sure. There aren't a lot of young, cute paranormals available. Trey was happy to see a new girl in town."

Penny stopped. "Oh. I get it. Supply and demand."

"I didn't mean to insult you. I'm stating a fact. Didn't you hear the cute part?" I let Boogie down, shutting him inside my bedroom. "Take advantage of the situation. And I have no problem with you dating a shifter. He can handle you if your bloodlust becomes an issue."

"Oh, yeah? What? Will he let me drink his blood?" She moved closer. "Have you had some of Rafe's? Would I like shifter blood?"

"Okay. First, let's not get personal. Second?" I thought about Rafe and his blood, so hot, so, um, delicious. I shook my head. "Yes, you'd like it. Shifters have a very fast metabolism; They have to in order to shift. So their blood is hot and, in my experience, pretty fine." I smiled. "But they have different types just like mortals do. With any kind of luck you'll live a long, long while. Plenty of time to try them all."

"So vampire blood . . . ?" Penny forgot about the rats for a minute.

"Is fairly cool, temperature-wise. And you already sampled the mortal kind. It's warm. So the shifter's feels hot in comparison." I sighed, remembering. I'd really miss that. But I just couldn't go there again.

"Interesting." Penny picked up her crates again. "Yes, I'll call him. I can't do research with the lab closed and an investigation going on. I texted Jenny that Ray wasn't here now so she's calmed down."

"You're not a suspect, are you? In the great lab rat heist?" I picked up the other crates and followed her to her bedroom. Phew. These guys had to go soon because it definitely reeked in here.

"No, my research was trashed by the theft. I'd be the last person they'd look at. So far it's a dead end." Penny clipped food and water trays to the crates and arranged paper and litter as it should be. "Poor babies. What a close call. I definitely need to know a werecat when I smell one."

"Yes, you do. And, seriously, don't blame Lacy. She needs prey, as you would Copyright 2016 - 2024