Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,80

and then dangle paradise. Simon, who was a cold and greedy son of a bitch, didn't stand a chance.

I guess that had been the point of Lucifer's visit, though if we hadn't been interrupted . . . I shivered. What else would that Devil have offered that might have pushed me over the edge? He seemed to know me better than I knew myself. And that was his power, of course.

I looked down, then stared into the mirror. I saw myself as I'd been for four hundred plus years. I was fine. Men who I loved, had loved me just the way I was. I loved myself this way. This obsession with size was ridiculous. I wasn't about to trade what I hoped was an afterlife of ease and joy for the creepy tortures of the damned and a body, no matter how incredibly . . . No, not even going to think about it again. No freaking way. I ignored what was suddenly damned tight underwear and put some space between Rafe and me.

"Gloriana? What's going on?" Jerry stood in the bedroom doorway.

"Just showing Rafe my reflection again. I never get tired of it." I laughed and squeezed Rafe's waist like I always hugged him when I was excited. Which was true, come to think of it. Hugged him when I was scared too. He made me feel safe. Just like Jerry did. Both men were blessings in my life and I wasn't taking either of them for granted.

"Where did you and Penny get the cages?" I eased away from Rafe, then walked up to Jerry and kissed his lips.

"We went back to her lab. I figured since she'd disabled the security that was our best bet and I was right." Jerry studied Rafe, who'd put on an innocent face. "So now we're going in there and sorting out the animals. We picked up some supplies too."

"Good. I hope she can get them all new homes by tomorrow night, though." I walked back to the living room. "Boogie and I aren't comfortable with the crowd. Have you seen Penny's bedroom door? There goes my security deposit."

"I'd say you lost that a long time ago." Rafe grinned. "Didn't some of the broken furniture come with the place?"

"Why are you smiling?" I shook my head. "Jerry's ordered new and you're paying half. I hope it was expensive, Jer." I smiled at him.

"Of course it was. Only the best for my girl." Jerry kept his arm around my waist.

"Mr. Blade, will you bring those other cages? Boogie, no!" Penny sounded frantic.

"Duty calls." Jerry frowned. "I'll want an update on the demon thing after this."

"Of course." I glanced at Rafe. "We're going to go straight to the source. Ask Simon if he's interested in leaving his goddess. That will let us know how to proceed." I shooed Jerry down the hall when I heard a crash from Penny's room, then turned to Rafe. "Do you think Lucifer will come himself and make the offer to Simon once the goddess is dead?"

"He's not allowed to. Remember? We've got to get him to agree before the contract comes out. Part of their 'rules.'" Rafe collapsed on the couch. "I'm worried, Glory. Now you know how seductive Luc can be. Are you sure you can keep resisting him if he tries to reel you in again?"

"I have to." I sat and noticed how much space I took up on the couch. "I just have to."

The next night, I heard squeals over the roar of my blowdryer and finally turned it off to investigate. I opened my bedroom door just as Penny came down the hall lugging two crates of rats.

"What's going on? The animal rescue people come through for you?" I was due down in the shop in a few minutes and running late because I'd taken time to supervise a visit to the beauty shop for Penny. The result was a cute haircut for her but I'd been left no time for my own cut to be blown dry. Now, if mortals were coming, I might need to call my clerk and let her know I'd be even later. I didn't trust Penny yet unsupervised. I'd been lucky the night before. She'd been so intent on the rat rescue, she'd left any mortals who'd crossed her path alone.

"No. I ran into your neighbor and she's found homes for all of them." Penny set the cages by the door. "That's the last. Don't know why they're Copyright 2016 - 2024