Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,70

you to explain too. If Simon shows an interest in leaving the EVs." Freddy looked very serious and Derek jumped off the table to put his arm around him.

"He loves you, Fred. It was obvious to me that, if there is a way for him to make a relationship happen with you, he'll do it. Don't let pride keep this from working."

"It's not pride, Derek. But I don't want to beg him to make the choice. Let Glory handle it." Freddy leaned against Derek. "I've been without a father this long, I can make it without one forever if I have to."

"Ah, darling, I'm so sorry." CiCi stood and wrapped her arms around her tall son.

"Okay, I'll meet with Simon. See what he says." I took a shuddering breath. "You know how I hate this."

"Sure we do." Freddy smiled. "But don't worry. Simon likes you. Even talked about making you an EV. I think Honoria shot down the idea though. Pissed him off. That's another reason my father is ready to leave the EVs. He's tired of taking orders from a woman." Freddy glanced at his mother and then at me. "No offense, ladies."

"Oh, I get it. Typical Simon." I sighed. "Okay, I'll make a call. Soon. Now I've got to go. This is a busy night for me. Paparazzi out back?"

"You bet. They were all excited that Israel Caine's SUV is out there." Derek grinned, obviously determined to lighten the mood. "You are so lucky. Don't get jealous, Fred, but, Glory, any chance that bad boy swings both ways?"

"Not that I know of. But I'll check." I winked at Derek when Freddy popped him on the arm. "I'll let you guys know what I find out."

"Thanks. And be safe." Freddy kissed my cheek. "And I've been known to swing both ways. You get tired of Blade, let me know."

This time it was Derek who growled and hooked an arm around Freddy's neck. I left them wrestling while CiCi fussed and hit them both with her purse.

I grabbed my own purse, called Rafe to give him an update, then braced myself for the paparazzi gauntlet. It was fairly painless since I wasn't making statements and they had enough pictures of me without Ray. When I got upstairs, I unlocked the door and figured I'd have a mess to clean up.

To my amazement, the place was spotless, a little empty, but all cleaned up. No sign of blood on the hardwood floor and the couch was straight. Someone had moved the chairs that went with the dinette set in the kitchen to face the couch and there was a semblance of order in the living room.

"Okay, what good fairies have been at work in here?"

"Just one." Jerry came out of the kitchen, a wet towel in his hand. "I came to my senses and realized we couldn't leave you with this disaster." He turned to toss the wet towel in the kitchen sink.

"You look better too." I could see that he'd obviously been home to change clothes and his face had healed. That was probably due to a pit stop where he'd whammied some hapless mortal and taken a good long drink. I didn't comment, just walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I won't object if you examine me for injuries." His grin made me shiver.

"Maybe later. First, thank you." I kissed his smile. "I dreaded what I'd find when I opened the door."

"Not my finest moment, trashing your place. So I put in a call. You'll have two new lounge chairs, a coffee table and lamp by tomorrow night." He ran his hand up my back. "I'm sending half that bill to Valdez. We were idiots, but I admit it felt good. I needed to give that shifter a pounding. I had a lot of issues with him. Still do."

"Let's table that for now, Jerry. I've got a hell of a situation on my hands and that's a fact. I can't have boyfriend drama too. It's just too much. Remember that your territorial jealousy thing tends to end up with us taking breaks. You want that?" I looked up at him, really interested in his answer.

"I'd have an easier time reining in my jealousy if I didn't have your other men in my face all the time." Jerry rested his palms on my bum and pulled me against him. "And, yes, I plead guilty to being territorial. It's a Highlander thing. You've known that about me Copyright 2016 - 2024